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Current "Unofficial" Standings
FYI - The Challenge posts are beginning to slow down and we are headed into the home stretch. I have been curious as to how things are shaping up. Attached is a graph of the current "Unofficial" standings according to Hookngrinin and the data table containing species and length posted by each contestant and other associated stats. Enjoy!

Look to tlspyder13 Current Standings for the "Official" numbers.

[inline Feb25BFTiceChallengeStandings.jpg]
[inline Feb25BFTiceChallengeStandingsData.jpg]
Thanks Ron.
Love the graphs![cool]
nice chart i love it! haha
It's been tough sittin back and watching all these great fish posted, but i've finally got some time off work coming up and now I can fish!!!

Looks like you hit the waterfowl pretty hard this winter.

I have some time to do some fishing over the next few weeks. I want to make several more trips before the ice gets too rotten. We still have some time to fish the higher elevation waters.
Here is an update. March 3, 2011.

Tlspyder13 Current Standings has the official numbers.

[inline Mar3BFTUtahIceChallengeStandings2011.jpg]

[inline Mar3BFTUtahIceChallengeStandingsData2011.jpg]
Update March 11, 2011

The defending champ (Tmas) is moving on up. [cool]

[inline Mar11BFTUtahIceChallengeStandingsSlides.jpg]
[inline Mar11BFTUtahIceChallengeStandingsData2011.jpg]
Nice job tams. Now I not even going to bother posting up all my fish. You got me beat for sure. After seeing that post those guys getting all those tigers I wondered to myself... Where the
Hell is tams' muskies. Good on ya for not hotspptting it till the ice was way too hard to access
Thanks FOD. I felt bad sandbagging and not posting the muskie till the end, but i sure like it when there isn't an enitre "muskie army" on the's a small lake and i can tell huge difference when there is a lot of pressure.
Hey FOD. Post up your fish anyway. I want to see what you have been up to. I've sure missed your Starvation posts this winter.
Hookngrinin...that was one great tiger trout!!! Interesting how light his coloring and markings were, but really chrome!! I've only ever caught one 12" tiger trout. That's my goal for next winter, a tiger over 20"...i know i'm gonna have some good long road trips to get it!
She was pretty washed out. I wasn't sure what I had until I got a good look at her out of the hole.

My goal for next winter is to get a tiger over 30". Tiger Muskie that is. Looks like we'll be headed opposite directions on our road trips. [Wink]
March 18, 2011 Update

Tmas takes a strong lead with a very nice Tiger Muskie.

[inline Mar18BFTUtahIceChallengeStandings2011.jpg]

[inline Mar18BFTUtahIceChallengeStandingsData2011.jpg]
Now that's my boy!!....actually son in law! WTG TMAS! Hard ore fisherman and I actually went out on Newton to find a foot of snow on the ice but 6" slush! Boots off and wringing out the wool socks i hut.YUCKY but kinda fun! Congrats kiddo!
Smiles Always!
April 12, 2011 update

BearNK82 posts up and lands in Second Place.

[inline Apr12BFTUtahIceChallengeStandingsSlides.jpg]
[inline Apr12BFTUtahIceChallengeStandingsData2011.jpg]

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