My weirdest catch?
When I bicycled to fish because I was too young to drive, I had a frog take a mosquito fly I dangled in front. I also hooked a snapping turtle that was swimming across a lake on the surface.
Like several others, I had a largemouth take a green sunfish I was reeling in. My largemouth, however, was only a little over a pound.
Out of one spot of fairly fast water on a high mountain trout stream, I hooked and landed three fair sized suckers on a #1 gold Mepps.
Out of a very small hole on that same stream, I landed three or four rainbow which I, on cleaning, found all had deformed backbones. That was over 30 years ago! I wonder now if it was whirling disease.
While stream fishing for trout, I hooked and pulled up this terrible looking fish. When I lifted it out of the water, up to the boulder I was standing on, all I could see was a monstrous, tooth-filled open mouth and its ghastly eyes!! It was the first live, undressed walleye I'd ever seen.
On that same stream, I've landed a less than three inch sculpin and a ling that was about 10 inches. I had never seen a ling before and having one come out of a stream on the end of your line when you're trout fishing is a shock!!
My most weird catch, however, was when a friend of mine invited me to do some boat fishing on a small lake in Southern Colorado. We were slowly trolling around catching yellow perch and a few small Northerns. All of the sudden, my 8# line started peeling off against the drag. We thought we had a snag, but in backing up to the spot my line started to move around! Lifting hard, I could raise whatever it was off the bottom, but it was so heavy, I'd back off not wanting to break the line.
My friend told me people would catch Northerns around 30 inches from that lake every so often and we thought we might have locked into one. We moved with whatever was moving my line around for something over thirty minutes, pulling the monster up toward the surface and then letting it back down when fearing the line would break. We passed by several other boats while doing this and my friend would point down into the water to the occupants of the other boats and with a

, hold his hands about a yard apart. The envious looks on the other fishermen were priceless.
I was finally able to lift the monster within five or six feet of the surface. The water was pretty clear, and my friend and I were finally able to see what I had been fighting all that time. It was about a seven foot piece of barbed wire!! It moved around because it wasn't attached on either end. While the people in the other boats watched, not able to see what was on the end of my line, I jerked hard and broke my lure -- and the barbed wire off. We pantomimed our disappoint in losing such a huge fish and quickly putted away from the other boats. I'm sure those people wondered why, in the distance, we were laughing when we had just lost such a big fish!