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favorite lure for fluke
Just wondering what your favorite lure for fluke fishing off the beach is? I like to use a crome ball jig with a pink tail.
Live bait always for fluke/flounder. Carolina rig w/ the lightest possible weight and leader I can get away with. I prefer a live Menhaden (pogey), but also use live mullet and mud minnows. [Smile]
What about Gulp Alive Pogy or Shrimp? Work ok or live is best?
They are caught on occasion here while fishing for something else like trout or redfish, a flounder will grab the lure. No one that I know of around here actually targets flounder with artificial lures. The only scenario where that might be the case would be when there is no live bait to be caught; winter months are tough for live bait. But, come winter, the offshore bottom fishing is hot, and that's where I am. Finding fresh bait out there is easy. [Smile]

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