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Return to Lincoln Beach 8-18-11
[cool][#0000ff]It has been awhile since I paddled around at Lincoln Beach. Figured there had to be something going on and wanted to check on water levels since the runoff slowed down. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]WOW. Utah Lake is still higher than it normally is during peak runoff. The south dike is still closed due to high water and waves washing away all the loose material and leaving only a low pile of rocks.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Had to launch from the ramp. Small fish were boiling on the hordes of midges hatching as I was getting ready to launch. There was a loud hum in the air from all the bugs. Thankfully they were not skeeters. Only a couple of those.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Purty sunrise as I was getting ready to launch about 6:30. Air temp 55 and water temp 72. Later warmed to 75 about noon. A bit of a green sheen of algae on the water surface...a flat calm surface.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Cranked up the electric motor to get out of the boat channel and hummed over to the shallow bay to the south of the dikes. Stopped to fish just off the long reed point that comes out across from the pump house. Instant and continuous action. First cast with a tandem tube jig rig scored a feisty white bass. Then a couple more. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Water depth there is usually only about 2 feet deep this time of year but was between 4 to 5 feet under current high water conditions. Tossed out a minnow on my bait rod and hardly had it set in the rod holder before the line popped from the clip and started streaming off the reel. First of many cookie cutter kitties.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I did not ever move very far from my original area. Couldn't even fish with two rods. If I put out a bait and then made a cast with the jigs the bait rod would get whacked. Then I had to reel in the jigs fast and put that rod out of the way while I rassled with another kitty.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]A few times I would put up the bait rod for a few minutes and focus on fishing jigs, spinners or small crank baits. There were no big schools of white bass but enough singles and doubles to keep me busy...and entertained.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I actually had a limit of 8 cats in my basket before 9 am...even after releasing about half of what I netted. Most were hooked in the corner of the mouth and were easily set free...unharmed. Probably caught somewhere between 15 to 20, counting the little kitties that smacked my plastics.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Caught quite a few white bass early and figured I could catch more later. Kept a half dozen or so and then released a few. But after hanging up the bait rods and fishing just for whities I found they had moved...somewhere. No more whities. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The power squadron started showing up about that time and it was getting noisy and busy. Had a heck of a time dodging the waverunner boats as I was trying to make it back inside to the ramp. Couldn't use the ramp because it was wall to wall mega boats. Had to slog out on the gravel.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Short day but fast and fun fishing. Got some more kitty flesh to add to the family fish fry next Sunday.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Another month and the water will be cooling down enough to get the walleyes more active. I plan to test that theory.[/#0000ff]
[#502800]Good show! .......... I was watching some guy from the south on that good eats show that makes fritters out of white bass. They have made his eating establishment famous.[/#502800]
[#502800]They were kind of like Hush Puppies with little chunks of WB in them.[/#502800]
[#502800]Have you ever tried anything like that?[/#502800]
Great report and pics as usual TD, Thanks !

A buddy and I went out early this morning (Lindon) and found the fishing fast and furious as well..

I'm gonna fix some up tonight and rather than make a mess of the kitchen with big oil pans, I'm thinking of an easy sounding oven recipie that had lovely lemon slices on top you posted a few years back.

Any chance you'd share it again so I can give it a whack tonight?

[cool][#0000ff]Easy enough to do, but I prefer a light coating on good fish...not to cover up the fish. Howsomever, I also been knowed to hush a puppy or two.[/#0000ff]
[inline "13 SHORE LUNCH.jpg"]
[#0000ff]Another good way to prepare fish real flaky or soft fleshed to run them in the food processor and then mix them in with cracker crumbs and a beaten egg. Then make little patties and fry them in butter and olive oil.[/#0000ff]
[cool][#0000ff]If you are talking catfish, they are also good on the grill...outside cooking and no oil.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]But, for oven baking/broiling just layer them in a glass baking dish. Squirt on some lemon juice...and drop a few thin lemon slices on top for good measure. Season with garlic salt and coarse black pepper. A few sesame seeds add a nice touch too. Then add a few small bits of butter and bake for about 25 - 30 minutes at 350. Make sure they are well done and flaky. Catfish take more cooking than most other fish.[/#0000ff]
I sure miss fishing that lake. That is one beautiful chunky cat! Of course the pics rock too.
Good work on the waters today. Seemed better than the Willard kitties last time eh? Been a while since I have hit that lake but I will return in a few weeks.

Thanks again for the sonar. I had to pop for a battery and charger as they come in pairs these days.....where you can find them! Still I cannot wait to try it out at FG with my twin.Thanks to you we actually have a shot at some fishy's!

A guy was kind enough to let my twin (Evil Tye Dye) borrow a toon for a few weeks. We should get out together as a team soon so you can teach "new dogs old tricks". Your are a riot and a half and then some! Enjoy the well earned fry bro!
[cool][#0000ff]Thanks. Appreciate the kindly comments.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You must have bought the Cabelas combo. Not a bad deal. The other battery is good to carry along as a spare...just in case. Also good for the 12 volt electric fillet knife you will be buying.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I predict that after having "underwater eyes" on a couple of trips you will wonder how you ever fished without sonar. I also predict that it won't be long until you wanna upgrade to something fancier...and pricier. That's one fishing toy that seems to bring out the "higher-better-faster-more" syndrome in anglers.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Good luck at the Gorge.[/#0000ff]
Nice work Pat!

Wow, I've gotta get my tube outta the shed and blow the dust off. Summer's 'bout dun and I haven't been in the water at all...[shocked]
[cool][#0000ff]About time for the power squadron to die down a bit and make room for the tube turkeys.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Let me know when you decide to rejoin the floatation fraternity. Got some rematches to take care of at Starvation, Deer Creek, etc.[/#0000ff]

I think catfish have a metallic flavor. Does cooking it longer get rid of that taste?

I usually soak the fillets in salt water to draw the blood out and that helps a little, but there is still that taste.

What about brining them before grilling or baking them?

[cool][#0000ff]Taste is always a subjective thing. A lot depends on the waters they come from, the size of the fish, bleeding them, proper filleting-rinsing-chilling, length of time before preparation, etc. I'm sure you know all that.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I fillet mine while they are still flopping...well, maybe after a hammer blow to the noggin. I immediately plop the fillets into ice water to chill them and to help rinse off any blood. A second rinse before cooking is sometimes a good move.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If the cats are bigger than cookie cutters it is a good idea to slice out the red flesh on the side. Even better is to cut the fillet lengthwise down the lateral line and then do a quick trim slice on each half. I also remove the last two to three inches (or more) of the thin part of the fillet at the tail. A greater ratio of oil and red tissue to flesh.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The final thing, if you are frying, is to cut the fillets into finger strips to allow for faster and more complete cooking. Most of the negative taste and texture issues are related to incomplete cooking. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]All that being said, there are several soaks that some folks use to mellow out the catfish "flavor". Milk or buttermilk overnight in the refrigerator does help. Ditto for a mild salt water solution. Some add some bicarb of soda.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I never have a bit of objectionable flavor on the fish from Willard Bay...and only rarely (on bigger fish) from Utah Lake. Fast and proper preparation and chilling help a lot. After that it is cooking them thoroughly...and with some helpful seasonings.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Hope that helps. Otherwise, maybe we can get together for a kitty cookoff. Never had no complaints.[/#0000ff]
[quote TubeDude][#0000ff]. . .[/#0000ff][#0000ff] Never had no complaints.[/#0000ff][/quote]

[center]except for the "what - all gone!"
I was waiting for the alarm clock to go off on this post. Sounds like another smack-down-magical-can't keep 'em off the hood outing for ya.
Right place, right time, right tools - and the right touch. Comes together like a well oiled machine!

Yeah - running blind doesn't do for ya what a sonar will, but then there's those times I've seen sonar ALL kinds of lit up, with nary a nibble. Probably just the wrong offer, wrong time, wrong presentation. Have to go hit those sites with some of the "right" tools I've gotten to know a bit better. (might even sneak the camera out for a peak!)

So - you don't have the overabundance of minnows down at UL that seems to be plaguing Willard of late? Guess without gizzard shad, it's more of the baby whities and carplings.
"So - you don't have the overabundance of minnows down at UL that seems to be plaguing Willard of late? Guess without gizzard shad, it's more of the baby whities and carplings."

[cool][#0000ff]Like many Utah waters, Utah Lake is "blessed" with an abundance of fish fodder right now. It is a whole "food chain" on parade. The midges hatch to feed the young-of-the- year fry. The little tykes get eaten by white bass, crappies, bass, walleyes and catfish. Etc.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]Predators are in fat city right now and are dining well. But the key is WHEN. A lot of fish are more nocturnal during heavy water activity periods and when water temps are much above 70 to 75. That is especially true of walleyes. But they DO still feed at any time of some cases.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]The cookie cutter kitties seem to be the exception. They are not joining in on the glut. They hardly had any food in their gut at least the ones I kept. And they were very open to whatever I served. They hit hard and I had a high hookup ratio. The bigger cats are probably feeding more on the small white bass and again more at night. But that will change sometime next month.[/#0000ff]
nice report Pat. Pic 2 needs to go in the book.

rincon madness
[#0000ff]Might could. I am in the process of final editing and will probably have it all done before year end. Have to keep up the research in the meantime.[/#0000ff]

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