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What Berry Plant is this?
Went hiking yesterday with the wife and some friends and we came across these berry plants. I've been picking huckleberries before and we found some along the trail, but nothing in large numbers. We did, however, find a bunch of these berries that looked like a small rendition of a blueberry. I've been trying to identify the plant and the berries. We picked some, but I'm trying to find out if they are good for eating.

It may be my ignorance and these may be huckleberries too, but they look different from the berries I'm used to picking. The bottom part of the berry has the little "flaps" whereas the berries I'm used to picking usually have that circle on the bottom but no "flaps."

I kept the images larger in case someone needed to zoom in for a look.
Leave those alone, they are poisonous!!! But tell me the coordinates or better yet, pick a couple buckets full and I can come and take those poisonous huckleberries off your hands. I will tell you they make the worst jam in the world and mixed with pancakes topped with maple syrup will kill you because of glutenous living.
just remember no seeds is poisones seeds not poison!!!.thats what i was always taught!!!
Are there different types of huckleberries? These not only look a bit different but have a bit different taste and texture inside. These were more like a little blueberry and were less sweet than huckleberries. Still at a loss as to what they are. The plants also seemed a bit thicker in leaves than the bushes I knew were huckleberries.
If you can find them this year they are big, very tasty and very late. I sat in a patch this weekend and ate my fill. It was better than the elk hunting.
Might be Service Berries.. (Saskatoon)
Yeah, there were service berries all over the place when we went up yesterday. Bland and mushy (which is the best they ever get) with just a little sweetness.

We found a big patch of sugar berries too, I marked it in the GPS for the fun of it. Like a raspberry but softer so you have to be very careful pulling it off the plant or you just smash it and get juice all over your fingers, which can also be good.

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