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Bubbleup...Fire and Ice
[cool][#0000ff]I knew it was gonna be cold this morning, no matter where I went. But I figured it wouldn't be too bad on Utah Lindon. Figured wrong. 'Bout got frostbit fingertips...even with gloves. 27 degree air temp and 48 degree water temp at 7:30 launch. Went to 49 water and 46 air temp when I drove off at 1 pm.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Based on past experience and recent reports I was hoping to find some fish starting to come inside Lindon Harbor. There were a few on sonar but none on the end of my line after freezing my fingers for an hour trying to find some. Worked several of my better spots for the late fall cool down but I got no love.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Worked around the points at the channel entrance. Got a couple of good rock tussles. Nothing else. Flipped a mental coin to decide which direction to point my tube...north to the creek or south to the bubbleup. South won. Not much further south but hopefully warmer. It was.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Cruised to the bubbleup at about half speed on my electric motor...casting and dragging plastics. Got a couple of whacks but no bendos. Was disappointed to see that there was absolutely nothing coming up out of the pipe. Nada, zilch, etc. Hoped there were at least some white bass around...and maybe a willing wallie. Plenty of whities, no wallies but a few aggressive kitties. Surprise.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Took a while to find the fish and the pattern. But once I zeroed in on the fish and what they wanted I was into constant white bass action. And they were all decent size. Few under 10 to 11 inches and plenty of footlongs. Those things hit hard and stretched my string good. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I put out a minnow with bling beads to drag along parallel with the bubbleup buoy line while I made casts with plastics into the line. Wasn't long before the line popped out of the clip. I figured it was probably a hyper whitie. I figured wrong. First cat was about a two footer and maybe 5 pounds. Nice surprise. Almost as good as a walleye. Almost.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Worked along the entire buoy line from about the 3'rd buoy out to the 7th buoy at the end. Caught both white bass and cats from 5' deep to over 8 feet deep. They were spread out today. The fastest action for the white bass was about right in the middle of the buoy buoy #4. The fish were all around it and stacked up right under it. A short flip, a brief sink, begin reeling and BENDO. Also got quite a few in a direct line between that buoy and both of the ones on either side of it. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Agressive fish were all through the water column today. But I couldn't get bit on a bobber rig. Had to cast, allow to sink and then move it up through the water column until a fish intercepted it. Sometimes they chomped it just after it hit the surface. Other times they picked it up off the bottom before I could start retrieving. It's all good.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I didn't take any spinners or crankbaits today. Figured the fish would be pretty slow. I'm guessing that as active as they were they would have hit the hard stuff just fine. Lots of hits on the larger 3" plastics were downright serious and moved the line several feet sideways on the smack.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Anything with chartreuse in it worked well. Also got quite a few on hot pink. My last half a grundle all hit the red and chartreuse 3" twister on a 1/16 oz. head...the one I was fishing for walleyes. No bait tipping or nothin'. Plain plastic and hard whacks.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Kept about 30 or so fat whities for a pot of chowder I have been "elected" to make for the fambly. Let all the kitties go. Didn't kiss any of them. Whatta think I am, kinky or somethin'?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Beautiful day but COLD. My hands stayed cold all day...even with gloves on. But there were no skeeters and no skiers. Always a tradeoff.[/#0000ff]
Quote: [#0000ff] . . . pot of chowder . . . [/#0000ff]

[center]Hmmmmm Chooowwwwddeeeeeer.
Probably a good thing to have after a cold day, a warm bowl to thaw 'em! At least you got on some fish for all the duress endurance. It's gettin that time of year - I've started seeing ice. Those whities do sound fun when you can find 'em.
And the kitty whisperings - as usual. Nice to see they're being frisky as the waters cooling.
[left] Better go chase some of my own B4 2 long.

[center]thanks for all the fish- - - tales!
Looks like Old Faithful in the background on that BIG DIPPER snap shot...Nice job TD
[cool][#0000ff]That new power station erected on the site of the former Geneva Steel is a good weather guage. If the steam goes straight wind. Kinda like the old "cowboy" weather rock...hanging on a cord. Straight wind. Leaning one direction...wind. Wet...rain. Etc.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]In the early days of its operation there were some anglers who swore that the fishing was off when the plant was running. Something about vibrations in the ground. But I have had some good trips when it was going full tilt. Must have been the moon.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You coulda had some fun on those whities today.[/#0000ff]
Awesome as always. Loved the 'straight up steam' pic with Timp in the background.

Enjoy that liquid water now, because it will soon turn solid. C'mon ice!
[cool][#0000ff]Thanks HGS. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Knowing how much you like Lady T, you should like the cover on my new book I'm going to be releasing next week (shameless plug).[/#0000ff]
Well done. I want that book!

PM me later about the particulars, if you would.
[cool][#0000ff]I'll post an announcement next week.[/#0000ff]
Speaking of Lady T, check out this snapshot from back in the early '90's. I had just hiked the face of the Lady (no small feat) with some scouts and had to take a few pics. Notice all of the 'open land areas' back then.

Feel free to put this in your book if it's not too late.
[quote TubeDude][cool][#0000ff]That erected weather guage goes straight up. Kinda like the old "cowboy" weather rock...hanging ... Straight up. [/#0000ff][#0000ff] was off when the plant was running. Something about vibrations in the good trips when it was going full tilt. Must have been the moon.[/#0000ff] [/quote]

Sorry - dirty old man in me. I blame my mom - she's of an artistic persuasion (published author herself) and always seemed to have a penchant for the suggestible.

ALL I did was take words out! Please forgive me... it's like a magic decoder ring to the subliminal. Or - I'm just a pig.

But - seriously - ok, semi - - - some of my kitty spots are tied to irrigation pumps. So on occasion - one shows up and the pump is running. Even been in the vicinity when the farm-folks themselves done shown up. Now if you wanna hear some suggestive jokes - listen to the farm-family talk about greasing up the pump! And that's some for-real talk alrighty! (I don't know if they knew I could hear them, or cared - but that was some funny stuff! I could sell that "schtiff" to Foxworthy!). I caught a few cats too, but more after the pump was off, and they left. But - a small spot like that - I think the 'good vibrations' turn into 'I'm getting the hell out of here for a while'. So - good time to fish the inlet instead of the back-eddy!

Nothing worse than getting caught up by a sudden change in the weather - having a weather rock on board might be the very thing every angling craft oughta have.

[center]Do they come in PVC?
Geez Coyote...this isn't a family forum or anything.
Welp - maybe not any more. Should I take this to the 'rough and rowdy'? THIS is why he don't want someone like ME "helping" to edit his works!

But really - I'd suggest there's nothing shameless about pluggin a book from the TubeDude. There's sure been enough benefactors of pre-quels, and general savvy -'How'd he do that' - that I'd propose it's a worthy honor for us!
i have been waiting for this for a long long time. If you have a big "signing", I will camp out to be first in line at Barnes and Noble.

great post as always.

rincon madness
[quote TubeDude]
[#0000ff]Kept about 30 or so fat whities for a pot of chowder I have been "elected" to make for the fambly. Let all the kitties go. Didn't kiss any of them. Whatta think I am, kinky or somethin'?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][/#0000ff] [/quote]

Well there goes the white bass population! Letting the kitties go was probably good. Cuz you don't want to contaminate your family with the PCB's like you've done to yourself right? Just kidding dude! Fish on as Jermey wade would say!

PS did you make a White Bass and a Catfish kiss just for your own sick pleasure? Come on dirty old man be honest

"Till death do us part" (Ugh oh the twins found the internet pics)
[Image: 4.1303727759.kissing-fish.jpg]
[cool][#0000ff]Unlike SOME members of this forum I do NOT keep and eat EVERYTHING I catch. Not so much a silly C&R obsession. I eat a lot of fish but don't need to fill my freezer to prove I am a good fisherman. I seldom keep more than I know I will consume (or share) while still fresh. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I kept just enough whities for a couple of "bachelor" meals for me...while TubeBabe is still out of some for the chowder after she gets back. Believe me, I released enough to keep the lake healthy.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You guys seem obsessed with the PCB thing in catfish. That's okay but it gets old. It is not a real problem. Otherwise many families in Utah County would be dying of wierd ailments or growing extra appendages. Some of those folks have been eating Utah Lake fish for generations and nobody has ever exhibited any unusual health problems. And it doesn't make their hair stand up wierd either. And the abuse you put your bodies through with backcountry skiing is far more hazardous. Ask your knees.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As far as the kinky cross-species dating service, I'll leave that to you guys. (Theme from Twilight Zone playing in background.)[/#0000ff]
Cool (note pun) that you were able to find 'em. I remain pretty fishing abstinent due to things beyond my control, but it's nice to know that if I could get out to Lindon again I could expect to still find something in the area! [Wink]
[quote TubeDude][cool][#0000ff]Unlike SOME members of this forum I do NOT keep and eat EVERYTHING I catch. Not so much a silly C&R obsession. I eat a lot of fish but don't need to fill my freezer to prove I am a good fisherman. I seldom keep more than I know I will consume (or share) while still fresh. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You guys seem obsessed with the PCB thing in catfish. That's okay but it gets old. And the abuse you put your bodies through with backcountry skiing is far more hazardous. Ask your knees.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As far as the kinky cross-species dating service, I'll leave that to you guys. (Theme from Twilight Zone playing in background.)[/#0000ff][/quote]
"God has a hard on for marines because they kill everything they see!" - Full Metal Jacket

In our case we eat it too!

Oh I was just giving you a little CARP for the whites. I am un-concered that anyone will ever over harvest those prolific beasts! As for the PCB's well it was a joke too so try not to take it so personally. As I recall though you do have a certain glow about you, is that what keeps you so young and spunky?

By the way I skied yesterday at Alta for the 1st time since my accident last December so the fish can start to sleep a little easier at night now.

Now come on wouldn't we all like to cross between a catfish and white bass? And no I am not talking about a dead catfish with it's head cut off and a white bass head put in it's palce on a city weekly at my house.
[cool][#0000ff]Peace and chill. I took no offense at any of your comments. I was just bouncin' some stuff back atcha. I think we got a pretty fair understanding of how that plays. We both got thick skin and we can dish it out and take it too.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Believe me, I am the last guy who would give you CARP about keeping and eating fish. I could never be the poster child for C&R...but I do practice selective harvest. You guys do too. You just select a few more to harvest than most folks. No problem. Especially with the whities. Even with smallies and largies in some waters. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Sorry to disappoint you but that "glow" emanating from my countenance is not from eating Utah Lake fish. It is from all the glow goodies I have been making in getting ready for the ice fishing season ahead. Makin' up a bunch of new "Berry 'Bous" as well as the standard ice trinkets. I use that super glow powder that glows for up to 24 hours. Wierd to wake up in the middle of the night and see spots before my eyes...dots of that glow paint that I didn't get scraped off my hands before turning in. But that's a personal problem. Like being "young and spunky". NOT.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Glad you are back on the boards. Take it easy. Yeah, right.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Catfish and white bass are both cross enough. No need to hybridize them too. Interesting to contemplate what good or bad qualities might transfer from the respective parents to the offspring. [/#0000ff]
[cool][#0000ff]There is almost always something to be caught in the Lindon one spot or another. And as the water temps drop a bit more we should see a lot more fish of all species moving inside the harbor.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]In years past I have done well on white bass near the bubbleup around Thanksgiving and beyond. And surprisingly, when they school up in an area they are more aggressive and hit lures harder. The key is always to find them.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Good luck with scheduling. You gotta go fishing. I prescribe it. Fishing is not just a is a necessity.[/#0000ff]

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