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Do any of you make it out to Henry's Lake. I have fished all around that area fly fishing on the rivers and had no idea what I was missing by not fishing the lake. I fished it for 3 hours during the last week of Sept. We were bored of fishing the river and heard there were big fish in there. It was amazing. I caught 4 fish around 4 pounds and had one huge rainbow up to the boat at about 9 pounds. All in three hours. It is too bad I never discovered this at the first of my trip.
It is pretty shallow. Has lots of food and vegitation. The fish seemed really young for their size. It must have an even faster growth rate than Strawberry. All fish also had amazing color. I have never seen Cutt's so lit up in the fall like this. I attached one picture to show the colors. This picture definitely does not do it justice but gives you an idea. The gill plate, fins and even the tail had scarlet red all over.
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Oh, the memories! We used to make a trip to Henry's every year, early fall, and stay at the Wild Rose Ranch there at the lake. Fish in the morning and evening and play golf in the afternoon. We caught lots of fish trolling a halloween wooly bugger behind pop gear. Were you trolling or fly fishing? I need to get the porta-bote up there sometime and bring back the thunder on some of those monster cutts and bows.
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Wow, that's a nice fish, what were you using to catch it? Were you trolling? I've always wanted to fish Henry's lake and now you have given me another reason to go for it, I never realized the fish were that big in there. WH2
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[cool]That is definitely a lake that produces big fat fish. There are some brookies in there that will scare you...but they are the prettiest fish you will ever see this time of year.
I have a soft spot in my heart for Henry's Lake. It was a favorite of my fishing family when I was a kid in Idaho. In fact, I am told that is where I caught my first fish. The pic attached is a younger mode. And, don't worry, I no longer fish in my undies. Although I have made jokes about wearing "panty hose" (waders) when I pop into a convenience store for snacks in between lakes.
I learned the "Henrys Lake Lift" technique there, for fishing damsel nymphs. I have since incorporated that into fishing jigs and other lures. I now call it my "shiver lift", but it came from Henrys Lake.
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Did you have any problems with the weeds? It usually gets pretty thick late in the year and they say trolling becomes almost impossible. We used to make a run up there for a week after opening day. We caught alot of nice fish there. We would troll pop gear and a nightcrawler. Replaced the Henrys trip with the Gorge so we didn't make it this year.
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There was all kinds of aquatic plants. All we did is find a place with some depth through the anchor our because it was so small an area it seemed like a pain to try and troll. I then threw all kinds of lures at them. I got hits on about everything. They seemed to like spinners the most though. It was different fishing than I am used to but fun as ever. I will definitely be back. I went and saw the Brooks. They were in the steam spawning and TD is right they are down right huge.
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Do you know when it closes? End of October?
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Hey TD, looks like that bad boy is getting the best of you. Nice Pic. I'll post an old one tonight for you
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Very pretty fish, I'm impressed.
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That is a Yellowstone Cutthroat, which is much more colorful than the Bear Lake Strain of the Bonneville cutthroat that they frequently plant around here, including at Strawberry Reservoir.
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That is a very nice fish tightline!! Cant wait to get my trolling motor on so I can troll for some trout like that!!!