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just curious as how the ice is southwest of the bridge just around the first point? is it still safe or is there any places i need to watch for
The ice up there is getting bad in spots, the lake is coming up and the ice up that way gets thin..Rabbit is getting bad as well part is open from the west to the east shore..
thanks bassrods
So should I bring my long rods as well as the ice rods, to go for perch in open water at Bunny Gulch? [Smile]
You can still ice fish it, but the ice will be turning bad with each day from now on..Spring looks to be on its way..
We ice fished, and the ice was 10", but the open water's getting bigger for sure. Seems we'll have an early spring. For over a month now I've seen the Canada geese flying north, and mallards along the Jordan river have been pairing up.

I hope so, since for three years in a row we've had long, cold, wet, nasty springs.

I hope we don't get into drought though...

Thanks bassrods, for the info! [Smile]

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