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Congradulations for your new Governator
I just received the knews giving the elections results by a large margin in favor of arnold the onik (as some women called him on the news last week)

besides the bad rep, if that is the worst he has done it is a far cry better than the last man who held the office has done in the past decade.

I hope he lives up to his words, a government for the people by the people.

the news today reported a defficet of 8 million in the california budget. and sky rocketing education cost. I remember at one time any one in california could attend comunity collage for free, I beleive this was when nixon was in office and shortly there after. I dont know what you guys have now a days.[crazy]

my question on this is where did the money come from to support such an outstanding program and where has that money gone since. I hope it aint the general fund. that thing killed the state of michigan when thay put that in place in the 60's[pirate]

at any rate congradulations on your exicuting your constitutional rights......[cool]
good one dave! haha.... from what i have heard, Arnold is not against fishing, unlike Davis.[Smile] thats a big plus!

ok i have to in the school library and they think im doing a history project. haha

as strange as this may sound, talking about this politicle situation on the net is gathering history information in the making.

because now the recall even though it is recent, it is now history of how Arnold seised the highest office in the state.[Wink]

the best part about this arnald guy is he cant run for president. so he has reached his highest plato in his political coreer from never holding any office to the highest office in the land. and if you had the opertunity to vote you partisipated in that history. but at the vary least you have lived the history.

emagin this, I actualy new personaly people who were alive during the civil war. if your parents are about 45 or older there is a good chance that they may have known some one who was alive at that time. I knew 5 people who was alive then pluss one great grandmother. she was 105 years old when I first met her in 1964. I was 4 years old my self. and if you want to know how I can remember that at the age of 4, emagine having your mom set a glass of worm goats milk in front of you to drink on a 100 degree day. you ever smell goats cheese, well worm goats milk is just as bad[Tongue] I couldnt get near my mouth to drink, my mom was going to make me drink it. but thank god for great grand ma's she stepped in and saved me from a fate worse than deth. she drank it right up and liked it.... eeeeoooooo!!!![shocked]

gathering political veiws is a good thing to do, and if any one ask you what your veiw is on a political issue, just tell them you are still gathering information and will not make your disision till the last minute when all available issues have been covered.

X'Goveners Davis planted his own tomb stone when he attacked Arnold personaly. he could not have played in to Arnolds hand if he had planned to do so.

Seing Governer Arnold stand up and publicly apoligize is a political first. Kind-a makes a man want to move to Hootersville'[sly]

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