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UL 3/1/12
Just kidding..
[#0000ff]The fish in those warm springs don't know what the air temp is.[/#0000ff]
Ahaha this may be true..
Nice looking bass. How long did you fish?
Around 4 hours. The bite slowed after the wind stopped though.
I went out to utah lake on Wed and caught 2 white bass (made a great dinner last night). If you wait for the perfect day to fish, you wont be fishing much, and by the time you do get out those of us who don't wait will have caught them all.
Those are some nice HOGS!!
Thanks [cool] I'm willing to teach anybody how to catch those beasts. Only on the condition that they swear to not keep any of them. People don't understand how awesome of an ecosystem Utah Lake has. It will only stay that way though if people will practice selective harvest. There are tons of good fish to harvest in there, I really just wish people would put the sport fish back more often. [:/]
Wow great catches man I've never caught any large mouth I might have to head down to Utah lake!
Going to be a zoo this weekend.
What would be selective harvest for Utah Lake?
[quote flygoddess]What would be selective harvest for Utah Lake?[/quote]

[cool][#0000ff]Keep everything but largemouths.[/#0000ff]
That is what I thought, but wasn't sure. What about Eyes?
If you'd be willing to tech me how to catch Largemouth at Utah lake i'd be very appreciative, i completely agree with you that people need to put fish back more often, i see people literally taking buckets full of fish that they really wont use and its really annoying. I dont think i'd ever keep a Largemouth out of utah lake just because theyre so scarce to come by (in my opinion) I only keep as many white bass as i will actually use and eat. Carp on the other hand I take those and store them for bait. Let me know if you'd be willing to show me sometime.

Kyle Fuller
The biggest thing is putting the big spawning females back of largemouth and walleye. This is of course my opinion and many may disagree, I would just really like to be able to show my kids how good of a fishery Utah Lake is one day.
Do you have a boat?
Yeah i'm with you on that one. I have a small Basshunter EX with a 55lb thrust trolling motor on it. It pushes it around at a decent speed, you'd be surprised. I will be getting a (hopefully 4 stroke) gas motor within the next little bit though.
Absolutely. But proper handling is a must to, right? I am not saying these were miss handled, but we only see what the catcher wants us to see[cool]

I haven't kept a fish in so long, I wouldn't know how to transport it. I let TD keep and cook them[laugh][laugh]
btw i am not saying everyone who keeps buckets of fish dont use them, but i have seen some anglers leave white bass on the banks after catching a bunch... their headstones can be found on that same beach.
Do you have an electric motor for it. Also having a baitcaster is necessary. Do you have one?

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