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Cabo Bite Report
[#000000][size 4]FLYHOOKER SPORTFISHING[/size][/#000000]
[#000000]Captain George Landrum[/#000000]
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[#000000]Cabo Fish Report[/#000000]
[#000000]March 5-11, 2012[/#000000]

[#000000][#000000]WEATHER: [/#000000][#000000]Greatweather once again with our nighttime lows in the mid 60's and thedaytime highs in the mid to high 80's and just a bit of cloud coverduring the middle of the week. The winds were variable in directionand strength depending on your location. On Thursday it was blowinghard in San Jose but calm in Cabo, the reverse the next day. We wereon the Pacific Thursday and Friday and it was calm with just a slightbreeze from the southwest.[/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000][#000000] WATER: [/#000000][#000000]On the Pacific side the water was 71 degrees within four miles of thebeach and 73 degrees from there to 8 miles east of the San Jaime andthe Golden Gate Banks. Due south at 12 to 15 miles we had 77 degreewater and to the east past the 115o and the Gorda Banks we saw 70degree water. Surface conditions were good with swells at three tofive feet on the Pacific and one to three feet on the Cortez side.[/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000][#000000]BAIT: [/#000000][#000000]Mackereland Caballito were the baits available at the normal $3 each butthere appeared to be few Sardinas available this week. Many of thebait boats would sell only five live baits and try to talk you intobuying large frozen ballyhoo as well, but the fishery right nowdoesn't really need these large ballyhoo.[/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000] FISHING:[/#000000]
[#000000][#000000]BILLFISH[/#000000][#000000]: Still an on and off fishery, the beginning of the week saw quite afew Striped Marlin showing themselves from the arch to San Cristobalon the Pacific side and a few of them were willing to eat. A fewboats managed to release as many as three fish while drifting livebaits deep but then the fish moved on and the bite stopped. OnThursday we saw a few fish on the south side of the Golden Gate andmanaged to release one, but on Friday we baited two fish at the SanJaime and east of there with no action at all. Other boats werereporting the same results from all over. Perhaps the full moon onthe 8[/#000000][size 2][#000000]th[/#000000][#000000]had something to do with this?[/#000000][/size][/#000000]
YELLOWFIN TUNA: The area known as the “herradura”, south ofthe San Jaime held porpoise that were with football Yellowfin earlyin the week then they moved on. At the end of the week there werereports of the same size fish being found in the warm water 12 to 15miles to the south of the Cape. No great numbers were caught by anyboat, but getting four or five was the average while the fish werethere, plus you had shots at a Marlin or two.
[#000000]DORADO: A repeat of last week as there werescattered Dorado found offshore in the warm 74 degree water. Thesefish were nice sized, but there sure were not many of them. A fewboats caught fish to 30 pounds but they were not there thick enoughto focus on, instead they were incidental catches for boats focusingon Marlin and Yellowfin. There were scattered smaller fish to 10pounds caught near shore by boats fishing for Sierra and Yellowtail,but once again not enough of them for any focused effort.[/#000000]
[#000000]WAHOO: I was surprised that I heard of noWahoo caught this week considering the full moon is normally a goodtime to catch them, and the warmer water we have seen is perfect. Ohwell, like last week, what hoo?[/#000000]
[#000000] INSHORE: I said it best in last weeksreport when I made the comment “Things sure can change from week toweek”. True words as the great Yellowtail fishing we had beenhaving took a turn toward the down side. Boats were still fishingfor them but instead of getting five or six per trip on average, theresults were quite a bit worse with many boats not getting any atall. A lucky few were able to catch one or two of them, but that wasthe exception. There was a better bite on Sierra though, and some ofthe fish were decent size, up to 8 pounds. Toss in some good Pargoand Grouper fishing and there was action to be had inshore.[/#000000]
[#000000]FISH RECIPE: Check the blog for this weeksrecipe! [/#000000]
[#000000]NOTES: Great weather, decent fishing andsmooth seas, what more do you want? Yeah, I know, great fishingwould be better, but you don't always get what you want, sometimesyou get what you need. Guess what music I listened to this week forthe report? [/#000000]
[#000000]Have a great week, catch lots of fish, andget those reservations for Cabo made![/#000000]

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