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NY Jets, How Imbarising
I was looking at the stats and low and be hold there is one team behind the lions and that is the NY Jets.

I havent seen their game yet, and if they keep loosing the network wont be showing their game in my area.

that gotta be humiliating for them to be behind the lions. any one hear from their net work about what is going on with the jets?

I havent check the line up, I am sure if they come up against the lions my money would still go on the jets....
woo hoo Jets!!!! they sored form last place to last place tied with the lions[shocked]

ouch that's gotta hurt, winning a game just to be tied for last place. well I guess misery loves company,

bummer, they wont be playing against the lions, I just looked at their line up.

I said it last year and I will say it again this year that we need a loosers bowl where the worst foot ball teams have to play to stay out of last place for the year. thier game should begain at 10 in the morning and the players should not be paid and must play this game. hence the name looser bowl. what a way to start out superbowl morning, watching the two worst teams dropping the ball throwing it to the wrong team even to the refferee. witnissing all the screw ups they have made all season long that landed them in this perdicament.
Isn't Arizona the worst team. They don't even get fans to their games.
the lions was that way up till last year when they opened the new stadium.

just as soon as the new wears off of ford feild, it will be as empty as it was at the silverdome, if not worse cause now the paying clientell have to drive an aditional 30 miles to get to the new field

the silverdome by the way had 1/3 more seeting than the new ford field go figure and they plann on having the superbowl at ford field in 05 or 06. I would have rather had it where there were more seats, you know it will be a sold out show regardless as to who is going to be playing.
I wouldn't lose faith in the Lions. Steve Mariucci is a great coach. He makes quarterbacks great (Brett Favre & Jeff Garcia) he will make Harrington a much better quarterback. I wish the Raiders would have picked up Mooch, but I guess you kind of have to stick to a first year coach who gets you to the Super Bowl, even if it was with Grudens team.

Give Mooch a couple of years, you'll see.
its not mooch and I dont beleive it was the last guy they had eather. I honestly beleive it is the lions players selling the game plays. this has been the rumor is the detroit area for years.

one day some 15 years ago I was up in gaylord michigan area (150 miles north of detroit) is where I firs herd the rumor, I have herd it several times since in the detroit are since.

I once told a young lady 25 years ago that I would get married when the lions won the supperbowl, (Boy do I regrett that[pirate]) I havent seen her once in the last 24 years [Sad]

moral of the story is watch what I say cause it just might happen....
I don't know about that. If you were selling game plays to another team, then you would have to get a serious amount of money. Cause if you get caught, you would be banished from the league, humiliated for life, and would probably find it hard to find work anywhere.

Plus what team would really need to pay any money to buy the Lions plays.

Also it wouldn't just keep happening team to team for 15 years.

Someone would have screwed up by now.
they actualy fired a couple for attempting it. (baited, ) not a player tho, it was some management person and his brbother-or inlaw last year.

we had that berry sanders guy on our team a few years back you may remember, he got the award for the record of most yards run in a season. what no one could understand that the lions had the higest yardage gained in a season yet still ended up at the bottom at the end of the season. that is when we got the last guy the we just replaced for mooch.

our last guy banned all cameras of every kind from any one at pratices, it was quite a scandles event here. but after 4-5 years with our last guy even tho he did find some corupton in management, but with out real strides on the feild it was time for a new face.

I realy feel bad for mooch, having to have to handle these guys, however I was intreeged when he said that next year he was going to flush out the team and bring in some new tallent. Well that all sounds good and well, but we will see if the owners follow up on his game plan.

Our teem this year did best when our team had no idea of what play was comming up next. but since they have fallen back in to the same-0 same-0 routeen. I hope mooche can crack the whip and snap them back out of their funk.

I am happy to report this year that mooche is extreamily limmiting press time from the media and players. we dont have to hear our players winning this year. in the past 10 years that is all the lions players have done on the media is wine, I had to change my snack food for the lions game from chips to cheese[sly] I sure hope mooche can change my diet back. I am feeling a little bound.[shocked]
That sucks when someone betrays you that way. There is something to be said for having a great running game and still finding yourself at the bottom.

The Vikings and The Packers, haveplayed tough for many years, plus you had Tampa Bay in your division for a long time. That's why the call your division the Black and Blue Division, cause everyone beats each other up. Even the Bears for as bad as they usually are, they usually have a tough defense that bruises.

We play you guys in 3 weeks, and I'm worried.

But then I'm worried about everyone right now. We stink!
[size 2]The Lions actually use plays?[Tongue] Someone told me they had one of those old magnetized football games and copied the moves of the players on that![crazy][sly][/size]

[size 2] That would explain why some of the players just sit there and spin around in circles![shocked][/size]
That's funny
I thought they wre using a magnetic football, and the receivers were the wrong polairty. the ball seem to go to every body else's hands but the receiver, and that includes the refferee. the last time the lions played they threw the ball right in to the gut of the refferee. I swear our quarterback needs glasses.....
[size 2]That was funnier![sly][/size]
I think the detroit quater backs are going to be voted in "MVP" for the season, the is mvp for the oposing teams[blush]

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