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Stillwater Nymphing
I have very little experience nymphing in stillwater. What would be some good flies to have handy for northern Utah lakes this time of year and through the summer? I am asking about nymphs specifically.
Haresears, Damsels, Renegades, Bead Head Prince Nymphs, and Zug Bugs...that pretty much covers mine.
I like all those in sizes 16 and 12. I'd like to add Denny Ricards Stillwater Nymph in size 10 and his A.P. Emerger size 12.

So do you dangle them from a bobber or strip them in?
Thanks..both of you.

I'm sure how you fish these is relative to the pattern and depth. But could I get a couple examples?
Nymphs and/or chironomids (I call them mids) are found from top to bottom. So fish them where the fish are.

They can be suspended from an indicator at a predetermined depth. Heck you can do that with a leech pattern too but not many people do. Or you can cast out your line, count ten seconds and retrieve in short 4 to 8 inch slow pulls. Mix in some quick jerk type pulls too. Cast again and count twenty seconds and retrieve.

My rule of thumb is if you count to thirty and still need more time to reach the bottom put a faster sinking line on. Now if you've cast and retrieved all the way down to the bottom and not caught fish either move to find fish or put on a different fly and try again.

If the flies buzzing around are midges I use mids and if the flies buzzing around are mayflies I use hares ears or The Black and White Mayfly Emerger. I also have a no name pheasant tail knock off that works real well during the hatch.
Troller, you learned fast. I kinda think pretty much everyone calls them Mids though.

My husband and I came across these styro indicators with a peg many years ago, Before that we would deep nymph 20' to 30' but have to quickly pull the indicator off and loose fish doing this on many occasions.
So we found these slip indicators. They were awesome, so we told Dennis Brakke about them and he found someone to manufacture them. Dennis passed away a few years back and Herb Patterson bought the indys and all the manufacturing rights. Funny how things go, huh, anyway, I do carry these indicators in all sizes.

Now, first off you need sonar or a way to determine where the bottom is. Ice fishing sinkers can be used also. You attach straight mono or fluoro to your fly line. No taper, no knots. As I said I fish depths from 15' to 30'. I have a board that i have pre measured leaders on for different depths, easy that way.
Say I am in 20' of water, I would set the indicator at 18' to start with. I have one Chironomid/nymph on the end and I have a tag with another one about 2' to 3' above that.

OR, buy some TYPE VII or VIII fast sinking line. You will only cast out enough line to cover depth. Jig it a few times, then slowly retrieve. Feel free to let it drop mid way as well.

I prefer the Indicator style but I have been doing this for a very lone time. Starting to get into the Type VII method however. Can be fast and furious.

Ken can show you a bunch next time you meet up I am sure.
Yeah he has helped me out tons with streamer techniques.

I have a pretty good idea where to start now.. I have type4 sinking line. I hope to get other sizes but for now thats what i have to work with. I hope to try some of this out this week. I don't have sonar so what i might try to do is put a split shot on my line before I even cut it off of the spool to try to get an idea of the depth. Then cut it a couple feet shorter. That should work right?
Yes. I have one of those lead ice fishing sinkers with the clip (roach clip[Wink]) on it. I clip it on the fly, drop it down till it hits bottom, then raise it a foot or two and set the indicator. then bring it up and take the weight off. You should be set for the area you are in after that.
Fish are still a little shallow however. Tis only the middle of May. Intermediate or Type II are good right now. Ken has learned from the best[Wink]
Let me know if you wanna try DC some day.
Great tips everyone. Thanks for sharing, and I picked up some Renegades on my way home.
Great tips for sure! Up until now I only used streamers or drys/poppers on lakes. Last time I was at Mantua I was getting skunked and another fly fisherman said he was catching them on midges. I gave it a try but didn't really know what I was doing. Im just trying to add more things to my arsenal.

I would love to try DC. Ken has invited me several times to fish down that way. Ill have to break out of my shell one of these days.
Mantua could be fun, I haven't been there for a couple years.
Count me in if you hit Mantua ...
I think we are going to go and give it a try again, Hopefully next time with better results. Havent heard of much going on up thier but should be picking up now with the warmer temps!
Say when you all wanna go. Like I said, been a few years so I will be GREEN so to speak, But, I don't keep them anyway, so it is all good.
Ill be up there either Sat or Sunday the the bows are pretty fat and with the warmer weather this week im thinking the LMB are going to want to play [Wink]
I have all my gear loaded to go in the morning. I'll let you guys know how it went. but keep in mind if I catch 5 most of you would catch 50.haha..
I really don't like the thought of that small lake on a weekend if you know what I mean.
Ya I hear ya, but as of recent it hasn't been too bad. I don't know if its still early in the season im guessing memorial day holiday is when the masses starting migrating to the lakes.
So call me from the lake and let me know, I can be there in 50 minutes.[laugh][laugh]
Small world! I fish with Herb regularly. I love the slip indicators. His daughters package all of them...Pretty cool family bonding if you ask me.

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