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Egg Sinker Molds
I have been looking for egg sinker molds larger than 8oz, does anyone know if they are available? I have been unable to locate any via the Internet. I know that larger than 8oz seems excessive but the currents at the Hudson get pretty strong at times.<br><br>
I too have been looking for larger egg sinker mold. (about the size of a phesent egg)<br><br>[cool] “Don’t forget to wiggle your jig.” davetclown
I don't think you'll find any larger, I found a salt water trolling head mold that went up to 12 oz shaped in a blunt cylinder with a hole through the center like an egg sinker.<br>Sounds like you may need rock cod sinkers for that current. (grin)<br><br>
G'day Bait Hit and other posters.<br><br>Are you wanting to rig up rigs to the sinker or will jigs with 8oz heads do the job better. We have heavy jig molds but they are not for resale. <br><br>if you can use 8,12 or 16 oz jigs then let me know. That includes bright lumo as well.<br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve B <br>Mod-Lures/Baits & Oz Boards<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
I took a look at those jigs and they are nice, I might purchase a few and give em a shot. We mainly chunk using the butterfish, I might be able to slip them right into the slick but I am not sure if the tuna will be picky. Thanks for the info!<br><br>
I have a friend that may be able to help you ...up to 8oz and possibly 11oz and 16oz 1lb I Will investigate...Cross your fingers..... So.. Calif...We Got It All ! ! !!!!!!<br><br>
I'll cross my toes too.<br><br>[cool] “Don’t forget to wiggle your jig.” davetclown
I do have acess to eggs 5oz 31lbs.. 7oz app# 20 pieces 9oz several lbs.. 11oz several lbs... and for molds and options, Send Private Info About Interest, and I Will leave phone # For YOU TO CALL ME... I Don't Accept Collect Calls,, Its ON YOU.... Southern Calif... " I FISH, SO THERE-FORE, I SMELL""<br><br>

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