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Cat Fishing
[cool]Happy Monday. What a contradiction in terms. One of those oxymorons.

Lighten up. If you have a "vision problem"...and just can't SEE yourself going in to work...maybe you could try some "CAT FISHING".

[Image: catfishing.jpg]
A fresh mouse with just a little chovy oil ought to get them.
[Smile]somehow I had something different in mind!
What? A deer hair mouse? A hare's ear? Maybe a piece of string. Heck, those cats will hit anything that moves sometimes.

Although, if you look at the picture, it is easy to imagine they are either thinking about having the fisherman for dinner...or pushing him into the water.
[Smile]I think you guys have it all wrong.

This gentalman is fishing salt water,he brings the cats along for bait.

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