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IMPORTANT!!! If you hunt elk in Idaho
Take time to take this F and G survey (don't worry about the pink box asking for your "number"- this is only for those who were mailed a survey request. You can take it without filling in the numbers).

[url ""][/url]

This gives some clues as to what's being considered at Fish and Game. Some ideas a re a tad unsavory, in my thinking. One idea I did find interesting was a question about paying an extra $30 to be able to hunt multiple zones, unfortunately, no particulars were explained.
Done. Long survey but interesting concepts. I REALLY like the idea of paying a bit more to hunt different units.
Not me. They are already trying to make it a richman sport.

I really like the idea of shooting only larger bulls, say 5 point or better. That's how they do it in Colorado from what I understand. They have a lot of large bulls and you see something very often.

I think it would be an un-popular idea at first, but after a few years people would be really pleased because they'd be seeing more and larger bulls.

I'd also like to see several general season 4 point or better units.

I doubt if either of these will ever happen because people would complain too loudly if they tried to make the change.
I also completed the survey. My opinion is that we already have a very good balance between trophy hunting and general opportunity and I would rather it didn't change. I firmly believe that any elk is a good elk and I while I always go out into the mountains hoping for a big bull, I never feel less successful if I shoot a small bull or spike.

Other states have gone the way of trophy hunting and lottery hunts and their opportunity has dropped to the point that large numbers of Utah hunters flood southern Idaho and Washington hunters migrate over to northern Idaho for elk seasons.

I could find myself supporting point restrictions for hunters over the age of 18 in some areas, as long as they keep it in a general season and don't change it to controlled hunts.

Whatever direction they take I just hope to be able to hunt elk every year and not have to wait 5-10 years to draw a tag.
Another fee, $30 more of my dollars for f&g? Do they ever make decisions based on biology and herd health or do they just sit around thinking of ways to bring in more money.
Miss management =more Miss management = higher fees and the common man being priced out.

Hey I know a good way to keep down road hunting (charge a toll) yeah that's it we can set up an extensive network of toll booths on blm/forest service roads and every time someone passes they will pay $15 yeah that will help and of course we will need to add some staff you know toll attendants, middle management,management, new pickups,fuel, we will need to build Booths,patrol atvs.,snow mobils,bigger company Christmas parties, on and on and on.
Those are the same loaded questions they used in the "compass" a few years ago. Back then they said all hunters want is to be in nature get some exercise, and camp with family and friends.

Hunting is about killing. If they take killing out, or reduce the importance of killing then it is armed hiking. I can hike while armed for free. They will take this info and rearrange it to fit their agenda. Be prepared for higher prices, fewer animals, and more restrictions. Ron
[laugh]have you been recently fired from the f/g dept. In another state for having no clue? do you seem to make wrong decisons? are you always broke? are you good at making up questionaires that we can take in any direction? THE IDAHO FISH AND GAME WANTS YOU FORA MANAGEMENTPOSITION!!!! CALL NOW 555-OUR12!!! dc
+1,000 ron !

if the f&g makes elk hunting more restrictive my hunting party that has well over 150 years experiance will quit without a doubt. i most likely won't even bother elk hunting at all unless i draw a decent tag. too expensive to chase ghosts. in my opinion we need to stop bow rut hunts or at least control / manage them better. way too many guys think 75-100 yard shots are ethical, and lots of elk are lost . in my opinion this has as much to do with the lack of bulls as the wolves.
wow im glad its just your opinion but i have seen my fair share of unethical rifle hunters in my day. and i have never met an archery guy who has thought it was ok to take a 75 to 100 yard shot on anything alive. as for not putting in a good effort in to recovering a wounded animal i think that could go either way rifle, muzzel loader and bow. there are crappy people every where and singling out an entire group of people for it is not just. an example. " I think we should do away with rifle hunting or at least regulate it better because way to many people think its ok to discharge their firearms from inside their automobiles from roads."
Chrome nailed it. Unethical hunters will be unethical hunters, it doesn't matter what weapon is in their hands.

As far as the $30 to hunt more areas, I just remember what it was like to elk hunt wherever and I miss those day, but I can see how it is just a ploy for more $$.

Those survey questions were questionable at best, too many questions and repeat questions, also questions that would lead the F&G to believe false information about what we really want. I think the goal for any survey is to get as many honest responses as possible and shortening it to half or less of what it was and focus on one part of elk hunting would get more responses and better info. Not just what the F&G wants to hear.
I felt the same way about the survey. i felt like we were being manipulated by the questions so that fish and game could hear what they wanted to hear. either way they want that cheese and rats will do what ever it takes to get that cheddar.
completely agree w/ the idea that the questions were to broad and could be interpreted however they want. I've seen the same thing with almost all surveys I've answered the last few years, at work, online, and through F&G. I keep getting told that it's so people that might not understand the question one way can have it presented another way to determine if they are consistent. Personally I believe it just makes it more important to put your 2 cents worth in in the comment section at the end of the survey.
I miss the good old days just at much as anybody but i highly doubt archery hunters are the main reason there are not any big bulls left. I think that if you have ever wounded an animal with your rifle and had it get away ( and with as much experience as you have i would assume you have) then this comment about archery hunters wounding the big bulls is very hypocritical. If you have not ever wounded an animal and had it get away then i am sorry. I have wounded two elk with my rifle and had them get away. It just seems to be part of the game. The ugly part.

i agree the survey was long and painful. but as i understood the question the opportunity to exchange a tag to hunt more than one unit was OPTIONAL. I for one would be willing to pay extra but i did not think it would effect the current regulation if it was put into play. I may have misunderstood the question, and perhaps i was mistaken.

This is just my opinion and it is different than many but is does just go to show the fish and game will never be able to make everyone happy. I do believe the almighty dollar is king when it comes to decisions made by fish and game and that is a shame.
Colorado actually has a Brow Tine OR 4 point restriction. If it has a tine (5 inches or greater) on the bottom half of the rack then it is legal in any general management hunt.
I think this would be a great way to help build the mature bull herd. Montana ( my home state) had an any bull policy in 2007 but switched to a brow tine bull in 2008. My father lives in Montana and he said it seemed to help. in 2011 they took 6 bulls and 4 went over 300 with my brothers bull going 348( green score). I am sure a TAD bit of luck was involved with their success.
Well now you have met one that does. I killed a cow elk at 75 last year. But I know my equipment, my bow chronographes at 340 fps with my hunting arrows and I practice at 140 yards. I can put 5 arrows on a paper plate. But.... Shooting distance means conditions have to be perfect. no different than a custom gun that can shoot 1000 yards. My longest kill is a 180 inch mulie at 86 yards. I really want to kill one over 100. Oh and at 86 yards the arrow made a complete passthrogh.
What may I ask are you shooting?
PSE omen pro. 29" draw 70 lbs. Feel free to Pm me for my phone # if you want more info. I would love to meet some guys that shoot. And find a good place to shoot out to 140 . I am having a hard time finding a good spot. I moved from nevada a year ago. I used to go to the sand dunes to shoot out there.
[quote cattrapr]PSE omen pro. 29" draw 70 lbs. Feel free to Pm me for my phone # if you want more info. I would love to meet some guys that shoot. And find a good place to shoot out to 140 . I am having a hard time finding a good spot. I moved from nevada a year ago. I used to go to the sand dunes to shoot out there.[/quote]

I'll be up north Idaho...I just got into bow hunting 3years ago...I currently have a Mathews 60# draw...Im not that good shooting a bow...also I dont know how much energy is left in it past 50yds...
[quote cattrapr]Well now you have met one that does. I killed a cow elk at 75 last year. But I know my equipment, my bow chronographes at 340 fps with my hunting arrows and I practice at 140 yards. I can put 5 arrows on a paper plate. But.... Shooting distance means conditions have to be perfect. no different than a custom gun that can shoot 1000 yards. My longest kill is a 180 inch mulie at 86 yards. I really want to kill one over 100. Oh and at 86 yards the arrow made a complete passthrogh.[/quote]

I do however find this hard to believe...

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