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hey were you fishing at the cerritos today??? i have a feeling that some guy that i saw was you. i was the kid riding his bike around by the stage area. i dont know...maybe it wasn't you.


Hey DH_tubinjoe,

I'll bet it was. I've got a black back pack and I'm using this sweet, sweet 8 foot trout rod which was gently laid across the trash receptical right by the stage. That rod is a BFT custom job and I get comments on it all the time. The fish are open mouthed too but I leave them speechless. heh heh heh!

Why didn't ya come over. No matter, I going there almost every day from 5 or 5:30 for a break from the house repair. I fishing with worms for catfish! They should be planting next week between Monday and Wednesday.

Hi Ron

Is that catfish or trout for the planting? Were is [size 1]cerritos lake and do they charge for parking?[Wink] maybe we will go check it out[/size]
YES!!! that is you! alright! do you remember me at all???

i'll see you down there sometime during the work considering i work both saturdays and sundays.


Hey DH_tubinjoe,

Yes, I do. Last time we hooked up was at El Do by the Ranger Station. You gotta realize, I've got my eyeball focused on that rod tip. I figured you were just heading on your way pluggin' the lake.

It's not my habit to yell out to young guys in parks and say 'haven't we met before'!!!! ha ha ha


Hey there DH_tubinjoe,

I went today too for ziltch on the kittys. Don't they like tubeN2's dyed nightcrawlers in Cerritos! Somebody asked..... Cerritos is on 195th and Bloomfield between South and Del Amo.

I hope you were on the boat today. If so, give us the goods!! ha ha The Dana Pride killed the yellows again today and the Premire did pretty good. Redondo boats killed the bonito from what I heard.

Back to Cerritos, I'm fishing that lake every night till they plant and beyond. I'm really *frustrated* now!!

The little "*'s" mean I am really frustrated! :>{(

Hey JR, I thought you knew that the cats are blind. They couldn't smell the difference between green, yellow, orange, red or blue crawlers. hee hee. Since they are primarily scent hunters in small lakes, you need to use the optional scenting technique.

The colored ones work best on fish that are "sight excited". It tickles their fancy to see the different colors. Mix some anchovy scent with some of the green crawlers and let me know if it doesn't make a difference. I am pretty sure it will.

Hi there FTRDeckhand,

Sorry for the late reply. Cerritos Lake Park is on Bloomfield between South St and Del Amo. There is a small roundish pond with a huge fountian and then there is the larger lake. I would first park (free) off of Bloomfield to check out the larger lake.

Fish include Bass, Bluegill, Carp reproducing with Catfish and Trout being stocked. Stocking is as yet only catfish with trout later. No fishing fee but you'll need a license. Fishing till dark.

Clean, safe, and convienent!

If you think of it, bring a slice of bread or so to the nice pair of ducks always standing by the duck ramp greeting everyone.


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