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Guide repair
is it possible to put in a new ceramic insert or does the whole guide need to be replaced?

I think the whole guide needs to be replaced. I'm not sure you could get the insert
ring. It's not too hard to replace guides, it's getting a match thats hard. it's sometimes better replacing all the guides. I can help you out if you want.
I would like some help with it if you are willing.
how do you remove the guides?[fishin]

to remove guides on rods, you need a very sharp razor or exacto blade. you want to cut the thread on top of the guides foot and then you should be able to unwrap it the rest of the way. just be very careful not to nick the rod or you will have a weak spot and the rod could break at that spot. if you need more help just let me know.
sorry I took so long to respond to this post. thanks

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