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Condolences Southernman
[Image: Cubs___Priceless.jpeg]
you dirty bird! haha yah it seems like a dream, but dont laugh, im hereby inviting you & tubebabe to spring training next march!

wait till next year!

I find it difficult to watch the World Series now that the Yankees and the Marlins are in it. Who is going to watch now. It would have been great to see the Cub and RedSox playing. Well it didn't happen and there is always next year. I can see the TV rating going down the tube. Good luck whoever wins but don't count me in on watching the games.

Southernman the Cubs had a great year and you should be proud of what they accomplished.
[Smile][Smile][Smile] Hilarious!!!!
[cool]I feel your pain, Bro. If you get down for the spring fling next year, we will definitely have to cultivate a sunburn and a buzz together.

The Yankees and the Marlins? As one of our commentators expressed it on TV last night, that's like Walmart against Joe's corner market.
I dont know. Judging by tonights game, the marlins look more like a Super target!! Remember, the Diamond backs won the series against the Yanks, so the marlins can as well!
[cool]Yeah, those Florida fellas brought out some "A" material. That's gotta get the Yanks thinking.

And you're right. If the "snakes" could beat the Yanks...why not some fish?

Seriously, the year the Diamondbacks won, they had it all together. The way they are playing right now, they may give Chicago a run for the money in the number of years between World Series appearances.

Here in Phoenix...a "suburb" of Chicago...there are a lot of folks sitting in the sports bars rooting for the Marlins...just to beat the Yankees. They don't care who wins...since the Cubs lost...just as long as it ain't the Yankees.
Now that was funny!!!!!!!! Southernman you should be proud of the CUBS. They had a great year, better then all but 2 teams.

Tubedude thats just what we all need, more humor.
[cool]Thanks, bro. Howya doin' these days? Been carrying your weapons around the hills lately? Fill your tags?

I have several philosophies of life. One is that a sense of humor is better than no sense at all. Another, is that when things don't go exactly the way you want them to...try to see the humorous side of it. In other words, it's better to laugh before you cry.

And, I agree about the Cubs. They do not have to apologize to anyone. They truly did have a great year...and it should give them encouragement to try that much harder next year. They knocked on the door this year. Next year they might just kick it down.

Can I get an AMEN on that Southernman?
amen . .



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