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Yuba camping, monster pike!
Thanks to everyone for the information. We made it down in the evening Friday. North beach was full, so we went over on the west beach. We were fishing from shore with some raw shrimp just hoping to catch a carp or catfish if any are left in there. Also throwing spoons and spinners for a chance at a small pike. We caught several small but fat carp in the evening and all morning. But early in the morning my 11 year old boys rod gets a hard bite, he's not around so the 6 year old grabs the rod and makes a nice big hook set. He reeled it for a minute til his brother came back and took over. When we saw the beast getting close to shore we couldn't believe he would just eat a shrimp off the bottom. We weren't prepared, had no measuring tape so we laid a ribbon my wife had down him and cut it off. We didn't want t debate too long whether to keep him, we had no where to put him and it was hot so we decided to release him. Later we measured the ribbon, right at 39 1/4", that was from the tip of the snout to the tail along his back, we noticed later in the pics that his bottom jaw comes out further. I had digital scale but no net and we didn't want to stick that up in his gills so we didn't try weighing him. We thought at the time he would be 35 or 36" maybe, didn't know quite how big he was. I've attached a pick of me with both hands around him, my fingers are 9 1/2 inches tip to tip. So could one of you big time pike catchers give us a good idea on the girth and weight of this fish. I had my fish grippers out in some pics, but decided against using those.
Way to go dude! Are you and the boys hooked on pike fishing yet? [Wink] I am not surprised that he atr shrimp because pike have a great sense of smell.personally i would have ate the shrimp .[:p] Its not hard catching them they seem to be everywhere especially in the shallows .They are great eating so know but you have to take the y bones out .Glad you caught a big one .
Ya we are hooked on pike now, that was a ton of fun! We caught another 20" pike we kept and filleted, and had another on just with a roostertail spinner. There seems to be so many down there now, I'm thinking of heading out there this ice season just for the pike, heck with the perch.
I know what you mean ice fishing is going to be fun hooking into a big pike . Pike are all over the yuba so its gonna be a fun ice fishing season.
Great pictures and sure those brothers had a blast reeling that guy in. Brought back memories of my two boys and the pike they got into on the Yampa River in Colorado. This was about 35 years ago, but they seemed pretty proud, as I'm sure your kids were too.
That last picture is classic nice catch guys!
That's a great post right there! Looks like a nice fish, and a great outing. Good getting your kids into that mess!!!!

Thanks for sharing.
Excellent report my friend and what a great time for those 2 boys to share in such an adventure. They'll remember that the rest of their lives.
I'd like to take a moment to thank you for all the thought and care you not only put in but mentioned here on how to properly handle a fish you intend to release. There's so many folks out there that don't understand what rough handling is and that rough handling is a death sentence to most fish and many times it takes days or longer for them to go belly up so they don't see it. Glad to see you teaching these important things to the next generation of fishermen!

Great job! [Wink]
Sunrise on the water
It's hard to tell if there is a gap between your fingers. If both hands just fit around him, 9.25*2=19" girth. There are several formulas for pike, but if it had a 19" girth & was 39.25 long, the formulas show anywhere between 17.71 & 21.6 lbs. Nice fish no matter what it weighs.
Wow, what a great experience! Way to go!
Holy COW!! Thats a fish they will remember forever. Thanks for the post and who would have guessed shrimp on the bottom I've got to get down their.

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