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Real Combat Fly Fishing
I was viewing a classical music performance and this came up on the right hand of the screen.
Amazing: Such mature adults. I wonder if this ever happens on the Middle Provo?

[url ""][/url]
WOW !!! Un-freaking believable, had to watch it over and over again. Too bad it doesn't show the beginning why that little guy went after the other guy But

I got to say that old dude had some skills, He got a few nice punches in before the little guy dragged him down.
That is AWESOME!!![Wink]
I love how the two guys upstream keep trying to fish while all that is going on. That's a pretty funny video.
Don't know what started it, but the little guy was sure on the prod. Looks like he got what was coming to him.

You got to hand it to the big guy, he did really well at both defending himself and in keeping his anger in check.
That was awesome! Weren't all those dudes fishing a little too close to each other any how?
Made my day!!
[quote cpierce]Don't know what started it, but the little guy was sure on the prod. Looks like he got what was coming to him.

You got to hand it to the big guy, he did really well at both defending himself and in keeping his anger in check.[/quote]

"Little Man Syndrome" ???????[laugh]

Can't say this thought has not occurred to me once or twice.

WAGDOG, this was opener at Henry's a few years back
[Image: r09lookslikealaska.jpg]
I too enjoyed the guys that kept fishing. I think they were trying to catch the other fellas' dignity.
I think I would have. What the heck, not my fight.[Smile]
It's funny you mentioned the Provo. Don't typically fish the Provo because of crowds. Went there last Saturday, and to my surprise, not many people fishing. The high that day was like 30 or something, I guess the cold weather scared the crowds away.
Holy crap!! Maybe all those dudes are buddies or something. I fish closer when I am with a friend but dang man. That right there ain't workin for me. Is that typical for Henry's?
I believe cold weather cuts down on the human hatch the Provo has. Also fishing in town seems to have the same effect for me. Too many good places to go without having to fish shoulder to shoulder.
old guy 1 punk 0... looked to me like he was tryin to walk away when the skinny guy grabbed his shoulder and got what he had commin
Small guy was plastered drunk, obviously. If a couple solid fists in the face doesn't sober a guy up to know he is losing he is too far gone to care. A group of us almost had to do this to my uncle on a family vacation. Some guys, plus alcohol, equals stupidity!

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