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Ice shelter for sale.
I have an older ice shelter for sale. Mainly I'm selling it because I have a bigger one and so I never use this one. It looks similar to the one in the attached picture, only smaller. I'd sell it pretty cheap just to get it out of the shop if anyone is interested. Sorry, I haven't had time to pull it down and take pictures. I live in Nampa (between Kuna, Nampa, and Meridian, if you'd like to see it.
How much are you asking?
I'd take $40.
Could 2 people sit comfortably in there? Looking for a shelter so I can get into ice fishing and wont break the bank.
Comfortable is a relative term when ice fishing.[:p].

If I remember correctly, I've fished 2 in it before. Still, it is small. I prefer to fish only one when I'm in it.
Someone called me on this and said that they wanted it, but we weren't able to hook up. They were supposed to call me on the 24th after they got off work. If that was you, please give me a call back.
Still available?
Yup. Sending PM.
Okay. I'm tired of this shelter cluttering up my shop. Come get it and it's yours.
I live here in Nampa and will come pick up that ice tent right now.
It is 3/28/14 6:38 pm my name is Chris

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