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Fishing CLOSURES coincide with WTC bombing!
The enemies of freedom seem to have attacked sportfishing precisely at the time that our economy is still realing from the evil attack on the World Trade Center.<br><br>While a growing number are realizing that it was predominate Mugawhumps Islamamics in Saudia Arabia that promoted and financed Osama bin Ladin's satanic attack on the World Trade Center and most other attacks against our freedom and our greatest nation.<br><br>Is it a coincidence that the freedom hating leftists backed by presidental hopefull, liberal extremest, California Govornor Gray Davis are renewing their attempts to block oil drilling, that would help punish and free us from the Saudi BASTARDS?<br><br>The people that hate America, hate God and want everyone else as their SLAVES, also hate "Big oil". This is why Governor "Low Beam" persoanlly vetoed Senata BIll 1, which passed the entirely Democratic California Senate and Assembly that would have let the awfull oil companies save some dollars, kept the marine creatures living htere alive, and given half the huge savings to groups that want to help out by replenishing our ocean.<br><br>Sportfishing has it's very own Tailban Johns. Traitors.<br><br>Leaders that apparently sold out, hide the Marine Life Protection Act passage from us until, I exposed their deception and treachery AT THE VERY LAST MINUTE!<br><br>TOM RAFTICAN SAYS HE STILL SUPPORTS SOME CLOSUREs!!!<br><br>pETE gREY SAYS HE SUPPORTS REASONABLE CLOSURES.<br><br>I SAY....NO CLOSURES!!! NO WAY!!!<br><br>I SUPPORT THE FREEDOM TO FISH ACT........DO YOU?<br><br>
The liberal, extreme leftist LA Times had a lenghty article supporting the closures.<br><br>They listed all the BIG environmental groups that support.<br><br>The Times said the closure's motive was to keep "Big Oil" from drilling there.<br><br>
What dose closing off an area to oil drilling have to do with closing off the same area to fishing? <br><br>or are they just going for a 2-fer.<br><br>Or is it one of those programs that are passed to satisfy condemners (Is the politically correct term) with no fishing allowed and drilling is. Check the writing carefully. if it is any thing like the gun laws passed here in Michigan that gave rights to those whom already had the right to buy guns but added a time delay and hoops to jump through before you can buy. <br><br>If you find out for sure I would like to know. <br><br><br>[cool] “Don’t forget to wiggle your jig.” davetclown
It's the same group of dirty, Commie, rats, Dave. They want our gunz, our rodz and everyone to be GAY!<br><br>We'll wear appropriate ID cards, wear appropriate uniforms and bow to their god, SATAN.<br><br>I hope I'm being PC. Wouldn't want to ruffle any feathers.<br><br>Are you ready to picket, yet?<br><br><br>

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