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trolling speed
I fish in the Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. area. I see references to slow trolling. What speed is used for this? I this speed good for, say, dolphin? What other species will this speed work for? Thanks.<br><br>
I put my lure ina dah water and adjust my trolling speed to where the lure is swimming just the way I want it to.<br><br>If'n yer boat won't troll slow enough., troll backwards.<br><br>Special troll planes are availabel, too. Mybe a special trolling motor?<br><br>Drag a sea anchor or a plastic bucket.<br><br>What was the question, again?<br><br>
If you want to go slower, try trolling with a drift sock!!<br><br>
Here in Hawaii, anyone trolling lures 5 knots or under is trolling kinda slow. Anything over 9 knots is kinda fast. Don't know about Florida but thought I'd give you actual speeds.<br><br>
What lures are you pulling most of the time Mikey or are you using live bait as well?<br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve B <br>Mod-Lures/Baits & Oz Boards<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Mike<br>We fish for Dorado in Mexico a good deal of the time and troll speed will vary from 5.5 to 8 knots or so depending on sea conditions.<br><br><br>Bart Waldo<br>Vista Communications<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

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