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Giving anglers a bad name
yeah, I am on my soap box a gain,

I think most every one here would be too if they had witnessed what I saw this past week out on the ice.

And that was a couple guys catching fish laying them on the ice 25-30 at each hole taking thier limit and kicking the dead ones back down the hole. They having a half dozen holes a peace that is like a couple hundred fish that died for thier limit of 25. compound that over the number of days they fish it comes to thousands..[mad]

Now buds, that is just wrong on so many leavels.

[ol][li]that is just plain murder for profit.[/li][li]it drasticaly diminishes the fish that can be caught in the seasons to come[/li][li]it brings in scavenger fish like dog fish that keep the targeted spcies away[/li][li]It gives anglers a bad name [/li][/ol]enough said....
I say we handle it the same as the government wants to handle guns....take ice fishing away from "everyone" cause some crazies abuse it[Tongue][cool]
I agree with you. Keep the ones you are going to eat and put the rest back in the water. Let our Kids can catch them when the fish get bigger!! [Smile]

Thanks for bringing this out!

Should have dropped a dime to the game warden. They won't stop till caught. We have a poacher line here in CT. Michigen should look into that.
we do have one, the problem is some one will have to testify in court. any one with a job these days cant afford the time off to do the right thing.

I was talking to some one out on the ice this past week about the same subject, he was telling me that up in houghton lake, the DNR was ticketing people by the fish they layed on the ice.

good concept, 500.oo per fish poached... killing them and kicking them back in is the same as poaching.
Report it to your DNR and then let them do the work. You've done your part. Here, we are losing game warden to budgets. So it's tough for them to get around.
all too often you hear someone has to do something about this.sometimes you have to step up and BE SOMEONE! if you would have lost a couple of hours pay to rid the lake of a dishonest person, over time it would be worth it, in fish, and karma.[angelic]
Agree. Make the call. You won't achieve anything that day, but you can bet that there will be a guy with a spotting scope watching anglers at that lake in the future. Sooner or later, they'll catch those guys.
That's ridiculous. They'll get caught some day.
We too lost a lot of our sportsman budget wardens parks and rangers because of Past governer Ingler's fat hands. Still leaves me bitter, and it is a story I dont want to get in to today...

Game warden did make it out a couple days ago, I happened to be the only one there at the time.

Unfortunatly if I dont have vidio it is just my word against his.

a couple months ago a boy turned in a guy bow hunting in a residential area, the police was able to stop the guys in their rented truck while in possesion of the deer. With evidence convictions is easy, With just testimony it is a bit harder to convict.

But I agree he will get caught one day if he dose not learn... but untill then he is getting the cold sholder by every one.. He is a likeable guy, we just want him to change his pratices to more of a sportsman...

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