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For all you southern boys and girls
Since nobody has been posting any reports from down south(besides Southernman), I though I should share a little about my last trip with Mr. Loopy.

We ended up going to Yankee Meadows during the November 1 storm. It didn't snow much on us but it was extremely cold with the 40 mph winds. I was going to fly fish and if nothing else work throw some bait but I already had a spinner rigged up so I started with that and never changed it. I rounded out the day with about 12 brookies and no rainbows. Mr. Loopy can fill the details in if he wants.

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=1520;]
thats a beauty !


Wow thats a nice fish, did all of them have the same coloring? is yankee meadow on the Boulder?
I should have gone with you guys. The pheasant hunt was worth it though. What are your plans this weekend? PM me if you are going out.

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=1525;]

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=1524;]

I got up there about an hour before hedgesd and caught a couple of rainbows. When I got up there it was COLD!!! It warmed up a little when the sun came out but the wind kept it cold. When hedgesd got up there, we switched spots and started to hook into some brookies. I had never caught a brook trout before, so I was stoked. I started with flies, no takers, so I tried some spinners, no good either. They weren't digging my stuff, until I switched to some different fly patterns. I wound up catching 3 brookies. It was fun to fish for a few hours and catch a different fish. It was good to meet hedgesd too. You guys should have come.....

How long did you stay up there hedgesd??
Southernman, I bet you wish you were there. Those brookies are gorgeous this time of year. Bright spawning colors and a dang good fighters. It just wasn't the same with out you though.

MJigs, If I had land to hunt that had pheasants, I would of done the same thing. I almost had a killer dog for you but Rick didn't tell me about it until it was to late. I'm going out this weekend. Check your PM's.

Loopy, I didn't stay to much longer. I had to get back before noon so I could get a flu and tetnis shot. I hate those dang things because I'm still hurting from it. Those guys started working that same spot when we left and still they didn't catch anything. Both of them were under dressed for the weather. I'm probable going to be headed back up this weekend, or kolob, heck maybe one of my old hots spots farther north.

Fish4fish, Yankee isn't on the boulders its near Brianhead resort. Most of them were but I still hooked a couple that looked like the fish below. I bet I could pass this fish of for a splake or laker.

This is what they usually look like and Mr. Loopy how about showing a picture of your first brookie.

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=1523;]
Wow what color they got. Great to hear from you hedgesd. Now that's what I call an nice fish guys.
Umm err.... the pics of my first brookie didn't turn out so good. Yea that's it, they didn't turn out......
Ya its been a while night hawk. You going to come up this year and do a little ice fishing? Southerman is going to give it a shot this year. Don't worry about going through the ice. I'll find out which lake has the killer action and let you know when its got 6" of solid ice.

Anybody else want to see that monster of a fish that Mr. Loopy caught? A first fish is always something to be proud of. Some of my favorite fishing holes have fish that size.
Well I just might give it a try fif SM goes. I have never done ice fishing before. Looks like I will be doing some more fishing next year in utah. I've got to get a annual lic. next year.
I'll bring the bait and a ice fishing pole. All you got to do is show up and enjoy. You'll be an addict after one good day.
Mr_Loopy: Hey buddy, very nice color on those fish!
Rick, marabouJigs, and I went up again Saturday and the fishing was slow. I didn't catch one fish at Yankee so after Rick landed a couple decent rainbows we left. Marabou hooked a couple before we got there but thats his story.

We ended up going to Red Creek and fished one decent rainbow and a only a couple bites. Didn't see anybody else catching anything but thats typical for this lake.

This weekend I'm going to see how the brown trout are spawning in Mammoth Creek. Anybody got a good fly pattern for browns this time of year?
I got up there about a half hour before Hedgesd and Rick. I was fishing at the inlet with, the namesake, a 1/16 oz maraboujig. I caught and released4 nice brook trout in 20 minutes. The largest was 16" and was football shaped, it probably weighed close to 2 lbs. They were a little bit sluggish as they are currently spawning. I guess the fish made too much noise splashing around durring the catching process because I attracted the attention of some other fisherman who proceeded to work over to me and cast thier lines directly in front of me. They had a young kid so I relinquished (not too willingly) the spot over to them as ice (that's right ice) limited the fishable area. They ended up catching and keeping several other nice brook trout with worms. The other area that usually holds spawners was under a layer of ice so I only ended up catching 1 more rainbow after that. The ice got me excited though. If it stays cold for another two weeks we'll be walking on water.


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