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Willard and Utah Lake
Thanks for the official input on this. however, I dont think opening up 1/4 mile or so of the canal just to increase fishing opportunity will workout well(snagging). if you took a vote on this today I would bet it would be to keep it closed till april [unimpressed] I wont fish it. just me.
Gumby, thanks for the report.

I don't fish Willard, so I don't have a dog in the fight, but I have to ask this. Where were all you guys that have a problem with this last year when it was proposed and when it went through the RAC's? There wasn't a peep made about it in opposition at the central meeting. If you don't like it, get involved next time.
Thanks Drew for your response, and the work you do glad the guys with the real knowledge step up and post on here ,lets keep open lines and watch this as it unfolds.
I have been fishing the channel a few times, and know the DWR law is watching i seen him check a good 15-20 people on friday, but at the same time i watched standing 5 ft from me two gentlemen with buckets walk out with 15 eyes caught on large crank bait, is it snagging ??? who knows, and yes i did report it .
also drew can you guys close the channel on an emergency basis if determined things get way out of hand?
P.S. what time are we starting the youth promgrams this year??
By the way, nice walleye Gum[fishin]
How big was the smallest eye? I was hoping there was a new age class coming up in the 12" range. Although I may disagree with opening up the inlet, I dont blame the people who are going to use the access to (legaly) get some fish on the table. I like the idea of more access for anglers, maybe we should open the inlets to strawberry during the kokanee spawn as well......... [fishin]
Ah - you don't wanna get 'em while they're in spawning mode. They'd be all mushy and gushy!
Guess I better find some elbow pads, and get a run on.

Hey - someone let us know when Crappie hit the harbors too - I seem to keep missing that action.

maybe I'll just scour my local rivers . . .
so if i call with a violatin nubmnut snaggin fish you will come out? thats good news
LOL! Good point mike in my opinion I think the walleye limit should change during the spawn. Or maybe a better slot limit to protect more of the bigger females.
The DWR does not give a crap about the walleye in utah, How many walleye have they planted in this state in the last 20 years. I agree with Mike. This state will not be happy until all the lakes are planted and thriving with NATIVE CUTHROAT
People were snagging walleye last year at willard and I know that for a fact. I witnessed it with ny own eyes. Tributataries are closed but has anyone been up on the north dike wet of the entrance to the north marina. The outlet stream that runs to the north from the pipe had people there at 2 AM with spotlights walking up and down the stream and a tent pitched nearby. I dont think they were catching nightcrawlers. Where there's a will there's a way. People will do whatever they want to harvest walleye if they get a chance or can figure a way to do it. Opening up the inlet only encourages those who will break the law. Officers should jeep and eye on the output stream. I didnt see any actually snagged but I grew up in the era of the provo river days and seen it first hand at night so I know what was going on at willard. Too bad they dont open give better slot limits and put back the annual harvest in walleye fry to each lake that has them. Sure would be better walleye fishing so people wouldnt be so inclined to take them illegal. I dont agree with them giving the dishonest people more of an opportunity.
I personally wasn't happy with the change either but instead of acting like a complete fool why don't you do something productive. Write a letter to the Salt Lake District DWR.

I had a cool calm 20 minute conversation with 1 of the biologist at the northern region office today about Willard and he said if enough concerned anglers write complaints or give opinions they could change the regs for next year. But as was mentioned earlier not 1 person voiced a complaint or concern at the last RAC meeting. Maybe it's time for us all the $hit or get off the pot if we don't like the current regulations. Just a thought.
Have one more cocktail and tell us what you really think!
Well, just keep posting and this thread will stay right on the top of the first page.
Bad move IMO, but primarily so during the early morning hours.

At Willard, late night harvesting is the greatest issue and where the vast majority of abuse occurs. I hear regularly from very reliable sources about the huge late night success that occurs on the north dike, and now that the inlet area has been opened up, I'm certain it too will be abused it's fullest potential.

The best thing to do to protect the fishery at Willard would be to close it down after a certain hour since it can't be monitored effectively around the clock. I guarantee that more fish (and some of the largest ones) are taken in vast amounts between the hours of 1 a.m. and 4 a.m. than any other time of day or night.

Sad part is, doing this would punish the law abiding fisherman / woman as well.
So the DNR bases its ethical yearly closing of the inlet on whether or not someone complains at the RAC meeting? Wow. Sounds like I need to complain more often to get the state to run things the way I want. I'll just complain about everything so nothing new gets introduced....... ever. The walleye will do fine and continue to do fine. There isnt a body of water in the country that all the fish spawn in the same spot, Its natures way of garanteeing the next generation. It is more of an ethical debate, not a biological one. Like the saying goes, shooting fish in a barrel.....[fishin]
I think 18"20" ?? All the ones I've seen haven't really been that small.
With all the talk on here I thought when I watched the news tonight and they said utah's best kept secret was reveled it would be the inlet of willard. Guess it was just ogden and the skiing, not the fishing....yet!

Nah I am proud of you gumbyk. You should continue to post on here. I myself was wondering when this site would get a report from the bay. Thanks for the info and good luck on the eye pursuit.
So - maybe more cameras, and some in locations where the "abuse" occurs? Might be a deterrent?

Helps if they are funcitoning. But if ya "never know who's watching", would it deter?
I think that the walleyes will be fine, as was mentioned, all the fish do not spawn in the same spots.

There has to be some kind of agency that will come out at 2:00AM in the morning and enforce the law both randomly and when citizens call in. Proving someone snagged a fish in the dark is difficult, but busting people for having double their limit is a different story. (or for not having a fishing license).

Like all things in life you have to take the good with the bad... and the good here is that more anglers will have the opportunity/access to catch fish...Those of us who fish legally also benefit from the opening. It was mentioned, people still went there and snagged fish in years past... now at least the law abiding fisherman can take advantage of another spot too.
Hey thanks. WOW!! I didn't think this thread was going to make so many people upset!? Isn't this website suppose to be a useful tool to help others fish? The reason why I decided to join this site is to let people know where to fish and updates on how the conditions are. I recently moved back here from New York City and haven't fished for over 15 years. It was very frustrating not knowing where to go, what jig to use, what time of day and etc.. I was tired of fishing at the local community pond and catching mainly trout (nothing against trout, I fly fish also). So I worked tremendously hard talking and networking with random people about places to fish and how. In the process, I have met a lot of great people and discovered a lot of great places to fish at. Since I had such a great year last year, I wanted to share the "wealth" for those who are/or experiencing that same frustration I did. Isn't fishing suppose to be fun? I also fish to survive. My family and I love to eat fish! I'm the type of person who is willing to share info and not hoarde it. If you want to see what type of jig I'm using? I'm the type that will give you one. So I'm sorry to all the upset people. Being mad will not make the day better, but if it makes you happy being Angry; then have it. I understand people have their "secret fishing holes." But I don't consider the inlet one (or is it)? Anyhow, here's my update for the day 3/18: Willard Bay Inlet--I got SKUNKED!! My friend once said "That's why it's called fishing, NOT catching." But there were at least 4 other guys that left home with 4 eyes on their stringers. There was a gentleman with his father who caught probably at least 10 between the two of them. They only kept 6. I did see everyone unintentionally snag some, but they would all release them. I did have one on the line, but it slipped off. But seriously, I think I was the only person there today that did not catch one. If you were there fishing today, you would know who I am because it was that obvious. Everyone was catching them! Another advice is to bring plenty of jigs/lures. The snags are endless. I lost at least 15 jigs today. No joke.. it's going to be an expensive year lol. I got there around 11 AM and left at 7:45 PM. There were about 15 people fishing when I left. If I go again tomorrow, I will post another update.

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