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Video rod repair for beginners
I broke my tip last trip so I thought I show you how I put them back together.Even if it breaks in half you can fix it using this same meathod,I have three I've done this with and still use.You can even use this meathod to make your rod longer incase its still too short,by adding more pieces to it. [Image: default.jpg][#0066cc]0:50[/#0066cc]Watch Later Error [Image: pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif]
45 minutes ago
[Image: pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif][url ""] rod tip repair for begginers [/url]
You can fix your rod by slidding a spare tip over the broken rod tip,or by slide a new rod tip inside the broken rod in which I do here.

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[ul][li][/li][li][/li][li][url ""][Image: default.jpg]1:47Watch Later Error [Image: pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif]rod repair for beginnersby MrHukaspukas36 views[/url][/li][li][/li][/ul]
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hmmm, It might work for an emergency for some reason, but it's going to add
weight to the tip and it's not going to bend in that section.

[url ""][Image: default.jpg?v=4fa624f3]4:54Watch Later Error [Image: pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif][/url]
[url ""]fishing rod guide and tip repair with goop[/url]HD
[Image: pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif]
You can fix your rod by slidding a spare tip over the broken rod tip or by slidding a new rod tip inside the broken rod in which I do here.

[#008000]I understand what your saying[/#008000].I use an ugly stick tip here in this video,when adding a heavy tip its better to use it on a shorter rod this way the heavy tip wont wobble and such.For longer rods up to 7' I use tips from cheaper lighter rods such as Durangos for beter action.

I finally managed to make a fishing video with the rod I fixed.The repair was an emergency repair as you said,a permanent one at that!The rod is great,I added a little heavier reel to balance the rod correctly.Please check out the video when you get a chance.

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If you wrap the thread right next to each other it will be stronger and look a little better.

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