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Furled Leaders v. Regular Leaders
So whats the difference? Is one better than the other? Why? How? What brand of furled leaders are the best?
Hands Down Furled leaders are better than tapered there braided so not only are they stronger but there more flexible. Only downside is their price compared to tapered but hit up Flygodess she makes some the best furled leaders around & priced comparable to your tapered leaders.

Reminds me I need to order a few more [Wink]
Are they good on a 2 weight?
Are you a good caster? Not being rude, but newbies have a little trouble with them because they are so supple. You can cast just the leader, can't do it with a mono or Fluoro.
Now advantages, they are furled (not braided- braided are hollow in the middle and will trap water and spray it). I make them in 5' to 7' lengths. You just add tippet. I put a small ring or now I have a small swivel which it is nice for nymphs and streamers.
There is no memory in them. The come right out of the package ready to go.

You do need to add floatant to them to float, but I did that with regular leaders too. What is nice is float the leader and let the tippet sub surface it.

To nymph or streamer, leave the floatant off and let the leader absorb the water.

I make mine out of thread or a special mono. Thread is very supple and fantastic for tiny dries plus nymphing and streamers. I make the Mono because I fish all winter and the thread would stick to the rocks[Smile] So I did mono. It is a little stiffer so better for wind and bigger flies.
I also make one that is both with mono at the tippet end for heavier or bigger flies.

I am on vacation right now till Sunday, but when I get back, I need to "Hook" you up[Wink]
I think im a pretty good caster. No I'm not a master caster casting 100 ft. but I'm not a complete newb. I heard they're better than regular tapered leaders but I haven't given them the chance because I dont know if its all talk. I'd appreciate you "hooking" me up FG.[Smile]
I have had a furled leader on my floating line now for about a year and you'll never catch me going back. I prefer them by far.
[quote TroutMan93]Are they good on a 2 weight?[/quote]
They're are tradeoffs with different situations. Unless you're tying on a shock leader instead of tippet to the leader strength shouldn't be one of them.
Try the furled leader in different situations. I think you have that 6 ft 2 wt rod. If you're having issues there be sure to start with a shorter leader than you would with a 9 ft rod. Try a 6 ft leader and as you get comfortable you can increase the length if needed. Frequently even 6 ft is plenty of stealth on small streams with spooky fish.With all my rods 7 ft and under I cast 7 and a half ft leaders or less 99% of the time.
Thanks for the tip riverdog! I'll keep that in mind.
Furled leaders are awesome. Fly goddess sent me a couple and I haven't taken them off of my rods. I use the mono for dries and it casts and floats perfectly. Plus the fact that I literally haven bought a tapered leader in months is worth it. Saving some nice cash there
I was going to make him a 5' leader. To that he can attach 6" to 6' of tippet. The leader will just turn every thing over very nice.
But you are right, try them first, that is why I am offering.
Personally for a 6 ft rod I'd want one shorter than that for the small streams I'm likely to use it on. I'd want one in the 3-4 ft range. The 5 ft leader probable be fine on that rod for stillwater as well as his longer rods. I just got my 5'8" 1 weight rod on Monday after I got home from fishing. It's a medium action rod like I normally use. I was consistently casting within an inch or 2 of a target at 35 ft within a dozen casts out in the yard. If you make any furled leaders in that 3-4 ft length I'd be more than happy to purchase a couple to try out. I have a 2 inch 2 oz Forbes reel I'm going get set up for that rod.There was a bit of wind blowing on the try out so I'm hopeful it'll be just as sweet when I use it on the water.
[quote flygoddess](not braided- braided are hollow in the middle and will trap water and spray it). [/quote]

That's what I meant that there multiple lines weaved together so they have greater strength than a single line. I forget there also braid leaders [crazy]
I've had the same furled leader on one of my floating lines for over two years. I was sold on them years and years ago, and will never go back to tapered.

Off topic, kinda, another reason I won't ever shop at Sportsmans again is the last time I was in there with my brother picking up stuff for a trip and docking him out with some gear, I mentioned that we were both using furled. He got a look on his face that basically said, " you two dumbasses aren't ever going to catch squat", and then he actually said it. (Minus the dumbass part). He seriously tried to make us feel stupid for using them. Man, I hate that place.

I picked up six of them from FG before a Powell trip this year and man, they are smooth.
Yeah I dont know about some of those Sortsmans guys. They should employ people that actually has a clue about fishing. But good to hear that furled leaders last for awhile.[cool]
Im also in the FG furled leader club... Ive been using them for about 4 or 5 yrs. The only time ive had to replace one has been when ive managed to get it into and impossible tangled knot of death.. and had to cut it.One time my loop connection broke ( not the loop on the furled ) and it went swimming down stream with a big brown.. Funny thing is a few weeks later when the water came down a bit I found it snagged around some brush. All.that was missing was my fly and the guessing a raccoon had a good meal. Anyways It was still in. good shape and still have it as a backup.
[quote TroutBumDave]I've had the same furled leader on one of my floating lines for over two years. I was sold on them years and years ago, and will never go back to tapered.

Off topic, kinda, another reason I won't ever shop at Sportsmans again is the last time I was in there with my brother picking up stuff for a trip and docking him out with some gear, I mentioned that we were both using furled. He got a look on his face that basically said, " you two dumbasses aren't ever going to catch squat", and then he actually said it. (Minus the dumbass part). He seriously tried to make us feel stupid for using them. Man, I hate that place.

I picked up six of them from FG before a Powell trip this year and man, they are smooth.[/quote] I don't know which sportsmans your going to but the midvale store is awesome! They always help me get on fish... I left a rapala on the counter and came back and joe the fishing manager gave me another one no questions asked, didn't even have to show my receipt. Plus flies for a buck? That's awesome
Dude, that's the one I used to go to. They wouldn't even take back their own "Sportsmans" brand tippit because I didn't have a reciept! As for the flies -- they are Jackson Cardinal pieces of crap. There is a reason they are only a buck.
Some of the peolpe suck...but the flies IMHO aren't to shabby. I buy the flies quite often (although High Country and FishTech are my go to places) and they hold up pretty well. I've caught several tigers amd browns on the before the fly started to look knarly.
That's too bad... I go there pretty much exclusively these days. I have found I can catch 6-7 fish on those flies, in my opinion that ain't to bad. Getting my dollars worth for sure! Plus it makes losing flies that much easier.
Yeah I definetley feel better about losing $1 on a so so fly than $3-$5 on a "quality" fly.

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