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Any Yuba Piker's wanna give some pointers?
[quote TroutMan93]Its not a big deal to me and I just turned 20. Instead of arguing about it on here send an email to the DWR, your congressman or the governor instead. If its no big deal to you to pay $8 more bucks then shut it and deal with it. Your just dragging this out and making invalid or just plain out stupid remarks.

P.S. You might as well write the Chevron or Texaco as well.[/quote]

+1 man, 8 dollars isn't really much considering what most anglers spend on fishing gear a year. Being younger at 23 I have no issue at all. cmon its 8 bucks [cool]
20 to 30 lb braid on whatever the heaviest action rod and reel you have. 6" Maniac Minnow on a 1/4 to 3/8 oz head. No steel leader needed, but you may have a few break you off because the try to swallow that bait. Swim it slow and catch Pike. Try colors Smoke Blue pearl, Holographic Shad and Juvenile Perch. So easy anyone can do it!
Hey, welcome to being ostracized.
I love it when people see some kind of a tax -fee hike and blindly support it. Have you ever seen a gov agency that doesn't reek with waste? Why only $8. Why don't they skip the small stuff and just raise it to $100 per license?

Its funny to see people get on your case about $8. Its the $8 with the future increases for the rest of your life is the real issue. What does the tax hike represent and can we believe it? Also, I don't know why certain people feel like its their duty to harass posters. It makes them look small minded.
Random question, what's the name of the river that feeds into yuba? Is it the sevier?
Blindly support it? As compared to the people who see "The T-Word" and blindly oppose it? Nobody likes to pay more for things, so it stands to reason that people who do support the increase have actually taken the time to think and consider the reasons. I can't say the same for the other guys. But go ahead and keep on thinking that the Big Bad Government is out to get you... It's cute.
You are correct it is the sevier river that feeds Yuba.
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.
[quote TroutBumDave]But go ahead and keep on thinking that the Big Bad Government is out to get you... It's cute.[/quote]

Careful, them's fightin words 'round here, specially if you don't have a gas guzzling suv Wink
[quote carToon][quote TroutBumDave]But go ahead and keep on thinking that the Big Bad Government is out to get you... It's cute.[/quote]

Careful, them's fightin words 'round here, specially if you don't have a gas guzzling suv Wink[/quote]

^ ^ This guy gets it.
[quote utwalleye]
Wow!!! A guy asks for some help at Yuba to catch a pike and this is what he gets!!!
are you kidding me, things that make you go Hmmmmm.

go to painted rocks and go straight across the lake from the boat ramp. stay casting distance away from the shore and work that whole bank line up north and cast green/white spinnerbaits 1/2oz. with silver tandem blade setup. use a steel leader or it will get taken, and have a few of them because they will tare them up. a few weeks ago I lost 2 spinnerbaits and 3 more were tore up and 2 jointed rapalas gone.
good luck[/quote]

Well then.......there you have it.

First of all, utwalleye you have hit the nail smack dab dead on center. It just cracks me up how no matter what stand you take on ANY issue, style, or advice on this site, somebody, (usually several) will chime in with their 2 cents no matter if they know what they're talking about or not.And by doing so, highjack a thread into oblivion.

Good for you utwalleye for seeing this and answering it perfectly with a few short words. And then giving straight foward no B.S. advice which is all he wanted to begin with!
I was out there a couple days ago with no luck on the pike, although I did have one bite right through 25lb mono so there might be something to using the steel leader.

The Carp out there were insane and I had almost as much fun catching some of them. They were huge, and put up a fight!

As far as raising the license price I can tell you that Utah is going to lose a lot of money from out of towners who are already pretty fed up having to pay $70 for the year and then on top of that being nickle and dimed at every single lake. I mean come on $70 bucks plus an entrance fees at every lake?
[quote monsterfishgame]

As far as raising the license price I can tell you that Utah is going to lose a lot of money from out of towners who are already pretty fed up having to pay $70 for the year and then on top of that being nickle and dimed at every single lake. I mean come on $70 bucks plus an entrance fees at every lake?[/quote]

Not much difference if we go out of state. Colorado fees are around $63 with habitat fee for out of state plus park fees. Only I think ours is a better deal because its a 365 day license. Colorados goes from end of march to end of march then expires.
"Nobody likes to pay more for things, so it stands to reason that people who do support the increase have actually taken the time to think and consider the reasons."

Thats not an accurate statement at all. You can see where people support things whether its education, light rail, the Salt Lake "raingutter tax', the rainy day fund, Obama care, the Trayvonn Martin case, the NS A , without doing their due diligence. I believe most decisions are based on emotions and what the news tells you. People do not want to think about it. Ever hear the old saying "we elected them, just let them do their job".
Thank you for the helpful advice guys, I'll let you guys know how it goes when I go.

As far as the fishing license changes is concerned, it's gonna happen but I don't understand why anyone is happy about it. The increase isn't going to be a one time thing. Oh and it doesn't matter if other expenses such as the food, gas, fishing gear, parking/entrence fees, float tubes/boats/kayaks, etc.don't go to the DWR. Hardly anyone would be willing to pay a large sum of money for a fishing license knowing of the billion expenses associated with fishing. So cut the B.S about fishing being the cheapest form of entertainment. Oh and "If you can't afford it, don't fish"...Well that right there shows what type of people/country we are. Funny thing is those of you saying that are probably the softies wanting more done for youth and the disabled veterans.
[quote ..Well that right there shows what type of people/country we are. Funny thing is those of you saying that are probably the softies wanting more done for youth and the disabled veterans.[/quote]

You really are a piece of work.
Oh so u care about those but don't about people who aren't exactly rich? Get outta here
its 8 bucks man, its not a rich or poor thing.
its 1 hour of wages in Utah at the least.
And yet you seem to have enough to buy new tackle that would be suitable for Pike fishing. Willing to lose a few lures chasing a fish that you've never caught. Burn fuel to drive to a reservoir that you've never fished. Heck, you've even got money to buy a computer and pay for an internet connection so you can complain about a license increase. All while trying to convince yourself that, somehow, the DWR doesn't deserve to pass their increased costs along to their customers. And thinking that you're being picked on because the pricing structure would give kids and old people a break. I wonder if your opinion would've been different had they done this while you were 14?

Here's my advice to catch a Northern Pike at Yuba. Spend a bunch of money on leader material, because you probably don't own it if you're asking for advice. Spend a bunch of money on Rapalas, spinnerbaits, swim baits, bucktail jigs. Get a variety of colors. Some that are bright and look like nothing found in nature, and some that look just like small fish that may be found in Yuba. Put your waders on, or buy some if you don't own any, and wade out to your waist. Cast to likely looking structure. Try a few casts towards any reeds, weeds, or sticks. If you don't get any bites doing that, cast toward deeper water. Experiment. Try retrieving your lure on or near the surface. Try letting your lures run a little bit deeper. Or you could get a bobber, and some minnows for bait.
I think it's a necessary time for a great picture to capture this moment.

[inline bazinga.jpg]
Well I have been to Yuba for boating many times. I've seen a few huge pike cruising the shoreline. I've also fished it but just for carp and perch. Also, All the money/expenses going towards the pike fishing trip are going to be my dads. Unless I go with him, I'm stuck paying whatever costs come with fishing when I go. My computer was also bought for me as well (it was mostly for college). In truth, I have a fairly large sum of savings that I could technically spend but it is intended for college and with how expensive it is, that money is gonna drain as fast as the lakes are this year.

Like everyone else, of course I'm going to be biased towards whats best for me. However, in all honesty I don't feel like the majority of fishers should be paying double what the smaller portion of people is paying. I have more sympathy of the elderly but am not so sympathetic for 14 year olds.

Currently I'm living with my parents now but I'm expected to graduate fast and pay bills/stuff very soon. Pretty much, these next 5 years are going to be a very big financial challenge for me and any increases in prices are going to hurt me. I might even struggle longer if our job market continues to suck. Aside from every person financial problems, my future is going to be FULL of medical expenses. Unfortunately, I was born with a crappy back and very soon I may have to undergo a ridiculously expensive surgery and be sidelined for about 9 months. So yeah, I'm sorry if I come across as whiny/etc. but believe me, I want to continue to fish but I'm just not happy about the increase at all.

As for the trip, I don't know the first thing about Pike fishing/equipment, so any advice helps. For the trip we'll be fishing from a boat. We might even sleep overnight for a couple of nights. Hopefully we get something so I can say I caught another type of fish. Thanks for the advice.

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