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Jordy quick stop 8-20-13
[#0000FF]Hadda do something in Deer Valley late this morning so thought I would hit Jordanelle early and then take care of bizness. Prolly shoulda stood in bed, but it was a nice morning for whatever...besides yard work.

Had trouble finding the lake in the dark. They're moving it...further and further away from parking and launching. Gettin' dericulous.

Clear and calm at 6:30 launch. Air temp just under 60 and water temp 67. Both starting to drop. Fine with me. Now if there will still be some water left for late fall action....

I was mainly on a perch search. Started by fishing a tandem tube jig rig from shallow (6') to deep (up to 20'). Didn't see anything on sonar for a while after leaving the PWC ramp. Finally saw a couple of perchie blips in about 14' and got some dink perch to start the day. Several dinks later, I finished the far as perch were concerned. Couldn't find any more anywhere...and nothing over about 7".

I worked around the brushy west side of the area and was amazed there were not even any perchlets. Only a couple of dink smallies about the same size as the perch. Fished all around the quarry area and a ways further toward the dam. Shallow to deep...around trees...offshore from brush piles. Nuttin' but a few more smallettes.

Headed back to fish the area around the PWC launch a bit more before I had to get off the water. A couple more small smallies. Hadn't seen much trout action on top and not much on sonar as I cruised back to home base. But shortly before I got back across to the ramp I made a cast with a spinner toward a surface swirl and had an arm wrenching battle with a footlong "finless Freddie". Yeah, right. A solitary slimer to make 3 species of dinks for the day.

One thing about school being back in session is that Tuesdays are more like Tuesdays than Saturdays. Very quiet out on the lake. Only a couple of paddleboarders and scull boats. No wakes and no noise. I can deal with that.

I noticed that autumn is on the way by the changing colors on the hillsides. Still not the bright colors we will see next month but definitely starting.

It was good I got back to the ramp and got my tube out of the water when I did. It was being taken over by the NEW power squadron...paddle power. A couple of guys came down right after an older couple trudged their boards down that long ramp. Silly.

It was evidently the old gal's first attempt at paddleboarding and she was whimpering and whining a lot...just trying to get on the board. I was sure there would be a "moment" to be captured on my camera. But alas, the old coot told me to put my camera away. "You never know where it might end up" he says. I replied "Might win you a lot of money on Funniest Videos." Grunt, mumble. I was going to make the comment that most of the ladies I got to photo on paddleboards were a bit younger and purtier...with skimpier swimwear. But I din't.

The good news...for that she finally stood up and shakily paddled off across the blessedly calm waters. Hope Mama Nature din't kick up a fuss before they got back to the ramp.
I appreciate this report and your efforts. Think I will wait another month to hit it.
About those SUP's, don't worry, they will never catch on[Wink][Wink](joking)
Looking at that couple, the first thought that comes to mind is the next size up.[Smile]
[#0000FF]This was literally a "temperature-taker" trip. We had some good trips in the past...usually from about mid October. I'm thinking that the Rock Cliff area will likely be better than where I went. But it will take a long drive down the old road to launch...and a long ways before seeing much depth.

Actually, Deer Creek is on my "pretty soon" list. With the weekday crowds subsiding it is time for some fall perchin'. The trout are also about ready to play near the surface and there are some nice ones in amongst the Freddies.

Let's get our dance cards together. I have a new line of "hot head" flies I wanna show ya. I make a bead-head on the front with hot melt glue...and then paint them up like I do my jig heads. Lots of glitter and with eyes...but neutral buoyancy.

Ha! Next size up? I took another picture and I borrowed a line from Jaws..."You're gonna need a bigger boat." (see attached)
I would like that. Broke my favorite rod Sunday, but got plenty others. Any day but Thursday (work thing)

On that last picture....OH H^%$ NO! I still want one but I want the biggest NFO has! For now, happy with what I gots[Smile]
Nice to see that you got out. My next toon trip will be next week. Thinking scofield or somewhere similar.
Those paddlers a reckless bunch! [Wink] I met a couple on the water that were nice. They crossed the path where I was casting and apologized, wished me luck and went on their way. They later came back and told menof a spot where fish were rising and nobody was fishing it. Better than the PS zooming by ya scaring the fish. I'll have to try Jordanelle this fall for the spawn and ice fishing.
[#502800]It's hard to get in stealth mode with water that smooth.[/#502800]
[quote WaveWolf][#502800]It's hard to get in stealth mode with water that smooth.[/#502800][/quote]

[#0000FF]Calm is nice but fishing is often best when there is at least a "fishing ripple" break up the light and put the fish more at ease.

And then there is this...on our last trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands.

[inline "ROCK N ROLL.jpg"]
Looks like a few trips I have been on. Caught my biggest fish in it though[cool]
Great fishing report, as usual. Your reports are always instructive. I just returned from Lake Powell last night. Let me know when you plan your next trip...Deer Creek or wherever.
[quote LloydE]Great fishing report, as usual. Your reports are always instructive. I just returned from Lake Powell last night. Let me know when you plan your next trip...Deer Creek or wherever.[/quote]

[#0000FF]I read your Powell report. Quite a trip.

I'll invite you along only if you remember your bait and bring a working pump for your tube...or raft. Also, you gotta get there on time and not call me off the lake while I am catching fish to help you get set up.
[quote TubeDude]

I'll invite you along only if you remember your bait and bring a working pump for your tube...or raft. Also, you gotta get there on time and not call me off the lake while I am catching fish to help you get set up.


You must have been a scout leader in a prior life. You could have reduced all of that to "Be prepared".[Wink]
[#0000FF]I WAS a scout leader in my younger years. And I have had first hand experience with the varying interpretations of "prepared". With some folks, just showing up is "prepared"...regardless of how much stuff they forgot to bring. But, of course, others overdo it with checklists, cross-check lists and post-it note reminders stuck all over everything. I have found that it is the overly organized are often the worst offenders for forgetting things. They trust that everything is on their list...and then they forget where they put the list.

But...any fisherman who claims to never forget something will lie about other things too. It's just fun to needle good friends about the things they would rather keep them from doing the same to you.
Sorry the perchies didn't want to play, they are weird to fish for sometimes, but atleast you got out and did some fishing.
[#0000FF]At least.

As a fellow perch jerker you know that you cain't ketch 'em where they ain't. There are plenty of perch in Jordanelle but they follow the groceries (baby perch). As the lake keeps dropping the little tykes keep having to move around to find suitable cover at their preferred depths. And, of course, the predators follow them.

The spots I sampled quickly on my last trip were in areas that have produced in years past...with higher water levels. Without a boat and the time to move around the lake better I was limited in my search.

I have a pretty good idea where they will be in a couple of weeks...once the water temps start dropping. And I plan to test my theories. They have already gone deeper than they were last month...and will be even deeper on my next trip.
ya thats how ive felt at echo this year, I cant seem to get into any large schools like last summer, im thinking for the last few years that echo has had low fluctuating water levels that the spawns are not being very successful and the cycles are starting over just about, but only time will tell.
I was able to find some nice perch(50+) at Bunny glutch at about 25 feet deep, just off the rock formation.
Also hit 4 nice SM bass one right after another with a perch popper just before sunset 13 to 15 inchers. All by the same rock sticking out of the water on Monday.
Was there Sunday through Tuesday.
[#0000FF]Yeah, the perch and walleyes are going deeper now at Starvy too. It's a combination of cooling temps and shorter daylight hours. I usually do well in the fall in the deeper spots out away from rock and rubble. But sometimes they form schools at mid-depth over even deeper water. Last year they were schooled up in about 15-25 feet over 40 feet of water.

Sometimes you just gotta look for them and throw away everything you think you know.

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