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virus alert
I was hit last weekend, lost my "D" and "E" drives. (zip and CD Rom) there is no telling what else it had destroyed. I had to reboot my entire system with my start up cd to blow it out. My reboot disk would not work.<br> <br>This one slipped through with out any warning!!!<br>It is real!!!<br> Dave.<br> <br> <br>A good friend sent this to me and I am passing it on to you-she is always a step ahead on these because she has friends who are big time tecchies.<br><br>Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 19:26:28 -0500<br><br>DO NOT OPEN any emails with "WTC Survivor" as the subject. It is a “virus<br>that will erase your whole” "C" drive. It will come to you in the form of an E-Mail from a familiar person.<br><br>Forward this to everyone in your address book. I would rather receive this 25 times than not at all.<br><br>If you receive an email called "WTC Survivor" do not open it. Delete it<br>right away! This virus removes all dynamic link libraries ( .dll files) from your computer.<br><br><br>[cool] “Don’t forget to wiggle your jig.” davetclown
Thanks Dave !!!<br><br>

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