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Busy weekend in the marsh
Well, looks like its going to be quite crowded for the duck opener Saturday. With the government shutting down, apparently BRBR, Fish Springs, and Ouray. So, I'm sure that will add to the masses on all other areas.
Should be fun!
hopefully the boys in Washington can get their act together in time!

Don't they know that the duck opener is holy and shall not be infringed upon??
I might not even go out on the opener now. I usually hunt Fish Springs on the opener. I will probably just go fishing.
Plus I am a federal employee so money is going to be tight.
I usually hunt Bear River Bird Refuge, and I didn't even bother to get out of bed this morning. Stupid.
Yea I know what you mean by holy. My wide is furloughed and I'm gonna have to miss the opening rifle elk in Wyoming. Fortunately I have a. Cow tag and have till Dec 15th. Still @&$/&@ politicians!

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