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Fall's fell at Starvy 10-2-13
[#0000FF]Checked my Windows app and found there was a window in the weather for today...from early morning until about noonish. Headed for Starvy and launched at Bunny Gulch about 7ish. Nice red sky...with the promise of a "breeze" later. So, what else is new on that pond?

Water has fallen from the mid sixties to 59 degrees at launch. Trout are moving shallower and the other guys are moving deeper. Happens that way about this time every year.

Started shallow...just in case. Waste of time. Saw nothing on sonar from 10' out to 30'. Then started seeing a few isolated marks above bottom...mostly in the 36' zones. But they all had fall fickleness. No inquiries on anything I tried.

Didn't get the merest whisper on anything I threw for the first two hours. Didn't see any trout hitting the top but did see some cruisers go through at mid depth that looked suspiciously spottish.

Decided to drag a jig and fly combo on one rod and a small spinner on the other rod while covering more area to look for fish...any fish at all. Had a couple of bonks on the jig/fly rig and one hookup that went airborne...and let me have my rig back. Then I started reeling in the spinner quickly to check the bait and WHAM. Another airborne Starvy steelie...and another long-line release. Fun, and all that, but my hands still did not smell fishy enough.

I had worked into shallower water...about 20 to 22 feet deep...when I got the hits. That told me that the trout were probably hunting food in the weed beds being exposed by the dropping water levels. I changed up to dragging a tandem tube jig rig on one rod and casting spinners on the other. I got into one area that had a lot of playful rainbows and was getting hits on almost every cast with the spinner. I was making a long cast, letting it settle toward the bottom and then reeling fast back up through the water column.

I probably missed at least a dozen hits, hooked a dozen more and got lots of string zings, jumps and rainbow rolls before losing most of them. I did bring several to net...and kept one that was a bleeder. Two of the ones I scooped in the net did a gelandersprung skyward as soon as I removed the hook and arranged their own release.

I worked hard to find perch or walleye. I caught one silly 8 inch perch and lost what I think was a walleye about halfway up in 40 feet of water. Yeah. Fall conditions is here.

The forecast "breezes" started kicking up just before noon...closing my window. I packed up and drove to the bridge. I walked down to see what the bank tanglers were doing. They were also scoring some nice rainbows...mostly on chartreuse bottle baits. The intensifying south winds helped push my sorry old behind back up the hill and I boogied for home by 1:30.

In retrospect, I probably coulda done as well at Deer Creek. But then I would have missed out on that long drive and all the trucks that clog up Hwy 40 these days. I need to join Masochists Anonymous.
Hey it's great to get out and a plus to add fish to that. That's a nice fat looking rainbow.

All the fish I brought in...or got to see...were fat and feisty. It should be a good place for fly flinging for the next month or so. Those 'bows from the Jones Hole Hatchery are a fun bunch.
Get a 200 Merc and a sidefinder on that floaty and go look for the fish [:p]. I was on my way up there last Saturday and gave in when I saw the fog on top of Strawberry...something about that I just love.
Temps at Starvation have dropped fast from your report. Browns should start showing up again, I hope.
[#0000FF]Yeah, the temps have dropped fast with the last cold fronts. I have had some recent private reports of great shallow action on eyes in Bunny Gulch. Even a few caught the day before I went. But when the bait leaves the area for warmer habitat the predators follow suit.

The Merc 200 will have to wait. Still putting on the second deck...with the sound system and barbecue setup. Money is tight with the government shutdown.
Nice report as usual.

Have you considered Fish Lake for some tasty perch?
[#0000FF]Sure, I have considered it. It is purty down there but a long drive just for perch. Sure, lots of troutskis too but they are also available are perch.

Starvation is about the limit of how far I will drive for perch, but I am mostly after walleyes first, perch second and trout a distant third. No walleyes (Fish Lake) and my interests move elsewhere.

Like Strawberry, I have not fished Fish Lake in over 30 years. Too many other places with multiple species of the non-trout persuasion.
Promise of a breeze? Dontcha mean that more as the constant threat there-of?

Sounds like some frisky fish all said and done. Fun to know they're out there hitting, better to hook some up, nice to even land a few. Somedays I can enjoy more hits and less landings just for the energ-ico of it all.

We're on the cusp of turnovers aren't we? A turning of the tides, as it were. Gotta see if I can't sneak another float or two before harder waters encroach.

Snow on the peaks today. Hmm.
[#0000FF]The first cold blast of the always a bittersweet thing for me. On one hand, it ends the prime summer fishing for some species, on some waters. But it also gets other species revved up for the fall feeding fling that usually lasts until iceup on many waters.

From now until the hard deck covers my fave ponds I will be adding layers under my waders and changing up my tackle and techniques to match conditions. In fact, there are some spots I do not even fish until fall, when the fishing is better and the power squadron folks have wimped out and left the waters to us hardier types. Brrrrr and bendo.
Hey TD thanks for keeping after them. I'm going crazy not being able to get out after the fish, but I guess I have to work sometime. Maybe I can get out a week from now, I hope. Keep'em exercised for me till then. Later J
[#0000FF]'Tis a Sad irony that FISH and WORK are both four letter words...but the meanings are so different and diametrically opposed.

Howsomever, some folks really work at fishing. Others are lucky enough to be able fish as their means of gainful employment.

LIFE ain't FAIR...two more four letter words fer ya.
Well actually I'm kind a happy to be worken. I'm one of the lucky gov employees that's still at work, but I hear the pot of reserve funds isn't very deep so I may have more time off than I want soon. Plus the end of season farm stuff keeps my weekends full so it's a busy time of year. But I'll get out there when I can. So I haven't seen you do your fall Willard trip yet. Are you still dreaming of that, or has it slowed down too much? I imagine that puddle is pretty thin for users these days with low water and cool temps. Just so many options and so little time to enjoy them all. We appreciate you getting out there and letting us know how they are doing. Catch ya later J
[#0000FF]Willard is definitely one of my fall faves...even in low water...especially in low water as a float tuber. There have been several years in the past when I have been about the only person on the lake...and catching fish too. I generally even catch cats clear up until the bitter (cold) end...and right after iceout in February or March.

I know the humps, bumps and holes between the north marina and the dikes pretty well...and I can usually find a few fish and figure out a pattern. It's great to get some quiet time on the lake without being run over by idiots or being forced to "enjoy" their high decibel "music" at close range.

Willard usually remains tubeable until some time in December...depending on Mama Nature. I have been the last floater on the lake...before iceup...on many years. I even hit it on Christmas morning one year...inside the south marina. Ice was just starting to cover the channel and parts of the lake. I didn't get much but I did score one nice walleye. Merry Christmas to me.

[inline "ICE EDGE WALLIE.jpg"]

In a couple weeks I hope to have more free time so let me know when you try the bay, I'd love to join you. My toon will hopefully keep up. Later J
[#0000ff]No worries about "keeping up". One of the COOL things about the late fall fishing is that some of the best action is often either inside the channel or just outside it.

Here are pics of a walleye, a wiper and a crappie all caught on a day in early December one year when I had to break out through the thinner ice around the edges of the north marina. As you can see from the background in the pics I was never very far from the mouth of the harbor.
Keep me posted. I'd love to go along on a tube/toon/yakfest at Will'sYard. I'll be the yak.
[quote RockyRaab] I'll be the yak.[/quote]

Sorry I couldn't resist!

[inline yak-400.jpg]

[inline 6906725-cartoon-brown-yak-400.jpg]
Always was willing to be the straight man - so others could yak it up...
[quote RockyRaab]Keep me posted. I'd love to go along on a tube/toon/yakfest at Will'sYard. I'll be the yak.[/quote]

[#0000FF]Long past due for a meetup betwixt us. Stay in touch because I sometimes make last minute decisions on venues...based upon weather...or whether not. My trip to Starvy was the lesser of about 3 weevils...or whatever. Made up my final mind about 4 am...after eliminating the other venues on my possibles list.

While you are opening yourself up to humorous shots at your straight's another. In addition to the use of "yak" as an abbreviation for is also a term used for "reverse peristalsis".

Yak, yak, yak.
Looking forward to it. Hope it goes back to normal for awhile, I'm not ready for frosty toes yet. Later J

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