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Cyber Monday text reminders
One of the best ways for your business to get sales, especially when trying to compete with large retailers, is to send text reminders to your customers. Most of the time, your customers do want to come back and buy more stuff, especially if there is a sale or if they are trying to prepare for a holiday. But, unfortunately, they don’t always remember you exist or how much they like your products. That is why it is important to send text reminders to get them back in the store. It is a gentle reminder that you are there and want to see them again.

Traditionally in-stores now online

The idea of Black Friday was always to shop on the Friday after Thanksgiving starting very early in the morning, but things have changed in the last few years. With the number of stores offering online sales on Cyber Monday, the Monday after Thanksgiving, increasing drastically, the number of people making online purchases through mobile has also increased quite a bit, according to the Telegraph. This means that if you are to have any chance of competing on cyber Monday and bringing in more customers for sales, you need to be prepared with mobile advertising and text reminders.

Getting your website ready for mobile

The first step is to get your website on mobile, so it is a lot easier to navigate and shop. If you already have a mobile site, just make sure everything is working properly and that it can handle increased sales for the day. If you don’t have a mobile site, you should get with an expert as soon as possible to get it ready, but you will probably still make sales with the regular site.

Text reminders

More than likely, your customers will find their way to your site during the day but only if you send the text reminders. The best text reminders have some sort of quick explanation of what is happening. Try something like “Cyber Monday means half off our entire inventory!” and include a link to your website, so they can quickly access it from there. You may even want to text a specific code to each customer already signed up for mobile alerts allowing them to get one item for half off or some other special promotion. This would make people who aren’t signed up for texting services feel like they are missing out on something and get more people to sign up. Also offering a special discount for people who have signed up could bring in more customers to your online store on Monday.

Ask for feedback

Text reminders that ask for feedback after their items have been received will help you determine whether or not your customers are satisfied with your business and what you are selling. If they aren’t satisfied, they will never come back, so it is important to determine this. A simple “were you satisfied with your purchase” text is simple and doesn’t take time. If they answer “no,” then you could give them a call or ask follow-up texting questions. It is just one more text reminder that helps you customers see that you care.

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