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southern california
Im down here for the holidays and Im going to wet a line tomorrow in the pacific ocean from the jedi. Any tips or anything that may help. I will be throwing some clouser minnows and thats about all I got. I guess we will see what happens. I posted on the california site but got no replies [pirate]
[quote STEVEF39]Im down here for the holidays and Im going to wet a line tomorrow in the pacific ocean from the jedi. Any tips or anything that may help. I will be throwing some clouser minnows and thats about all I got. I guess we will see what happens. I posted on the california site but got no replies [pirate][/quote]

I thought you were going to say you were in training
[url ""][/url]

Jealous on so many levels.
Thanks a lot Joni, now I have to convince my wife that Jedi training will look good on my resume! Good luck steve, holy waters when you get back!

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