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Truckee River Trout Rescue
[cool][size 2]Just posted this on Xman's fishing preservation board. Thought maybe folks in Utah could use a reminder of what the drought is doing around the west.[/size]

[size 2]Hopefully, we all get enough water this winter to make a positive difference.[/size]

[url ""][/url]
Thanks TD, nice reading!
This next year we are looking at the same thing happening here with are reservoirs on Weber River drainage. In the end of 1999 the reservoirs capacity was 58%, in 2000 45%, in 2001 42%, in 2002 38%, and end of this year they are at 25% of capacity. This next year we could be short water by 10%-20%. We are going to have to be very wise on how we us water on are landscapes next year or pray for 150% of average snow fall. If we don’t get a good snow pack we may not have any lakes to Ice fish next year.
[cool][size 2]There ain't much fishin' water in Arizona. There are ever fewer spots a tuber can go to get away from the power squadron. Horseshoe Lake, on the Verde River system was a small lake with a lot of big bass, crappie, sunfish and catfish...and it was ideal for tubing.[/size]

[size 2]It spilled for the last time in '97, during some heavy spring rains. By '99 it was dry...and has been since. What's worse is that the "ecologists" are (1.) fighting against refilling it because birds are nesting in the weeds that grow in the dry lake bed. (2.) If it does fill, they are going to manage the lake as a nursery for endangered species you can't fish for...and there will no longer be any gamefish in the lake.[/size]

[size 2]Here's a couple of before and after pics. Hope you guys order lots of water for my return to Utah.[/size]
[cool][size 2]This BFT site is amazing. Many folks have never taken the time to look at the complete menu of different boards and features. [/size]

[size 2]To access any of many different options, go to the "Main Index" at the top left of any page and click to bring up the menu. Then scroll down to find something of interest.[/size]

[size 2]To save you the time, you can bring up the Preservation forum by clicking on this link:[/size]

[url ""][/url];
[cool][size 2]Say Hi to Enich for me. I have also spent some quality fishing time with the man. He is definitely the one to moderate that board, with his passion for the outdoors and keeping it intact for posterity.[/size]
That sounds like a great program. For the last 2-3 years the irrigation companies have taken all the water from the lower blacksmith fork. I saw no effort to preserve any of the fish. I used to love fishing the lower section during lunch hour, but now it is pretty slim pickins. I wish our fish and game would have rescued some of the larger fish. Chicken.
We've talked several times about his trips down to AZ to visit you. I would like to see your fishing "work shop". He showed me a few fishing pics. (nice sunfish he caught in the cold AZ temps) Also mentioned a story about a 2wd truck and some sand???..

[cool][size 2]Yeah, we had some fun with the "locals" not paying attention to the rising water on Lake Pleasant. Sand that was firm in the morning became quicksand as the water came up later in the day. One kid bogged down in a channel, in his boss' pickup, after calling in sick for the drive his GF around in the boonies.[/size]

[size 2]Here's a couple of shots of my tackletorium.[/size]

[Image: SCOU1712CustomImage1424617.jpg]

[Image: SCOU1712CustomImage1438585.jpg]

[cool][size 2]As you can probably tell, I am running low and need to stock up on supplies.[/size]
holy cow you had to dredge up that memory didnt you. ugh not only a slow day on the water but i had the splendid opportunity to help the needy people with intelligence of a lava lamp. oh well it was interesting.

hey dthagen just follow the link tube gave for my forum. its under message boards then look down the list. you will see more forums than you can probably count too hahah.
thats a Sad story all around. i wanted to fish that river in the future sometime. its nice to see people pull together but i question some of their motives. just to catch it another day kind of rubs me the wrong way. how about cuz its a living thing and deserves to live since man has altered its surroundings with lakes therefore making a artificial drought. the river would run its course naturally without the reservoir and the fish would die and live naturally as well. would be nice to see people help for the reasons of mother nature rather than personal gain. but in the end they were saved and thats all that matters hehe.
hey pat you forgot a few details. first it was a guy and his brother. and they didnt drive into the sand they drove into the stinking LAKE!!!!! remember? and then drove back across and said they forgot where the drop off was and oops oh yeah there it is im driving in it past my fenders. duh. and then he stole his bosses truck to drive around and should have been working. and mind you another vehicle was stuck that day in the sand hehe. i remember which one but i wont say which one hehe.
Yeah, I see a few blank spots on the wall that could be used for maximum storage. I could spend hours upon hours tinkering with all those goodies.

Thanks for the pics

That was an awesome display of assorted tackle to feed your fever. Just wishn I had 1/10th of it for my fishing enjoyment!
Hey TD,

Looks like you better place an emergency order for a few more rods and reels. And you give me a tough time over purchasing a few of those tried-and-true Banjo Minnows!
[cool][size 2]"Nothing exceeds like excess"[/size]

[size 2]Now, Kent, it has been a long time since I made any mention of the musical minnows. The fact that you keep bringing it up suggests a personal complexion or something.[/size]

[size 2]Actually, my total count of rods and reels was reduced somewhat after the Turkey-Day visit by my family of fisherfolk. In fact, if it weren't for others helping me get rid of my excess, I would need a separate wing on the house for all that stuff.[/size]

[size 2]It does help keep me off the streets.[/size]

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