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Ah, maybe go before you hit the lake?
If that's when the urge hits, sure. But I'll bet there's a lot that get the urge after a dip in the cool water, or a rough fall.

[red]⫸[/red][orange]<{[/orange][yellow]{{[/yellow][green]{[/green][size 4][green]⦇[/green][/size][blue]°>[/blue]
Ah, yeah.
Fsh, I have been water skiing most my life, and that has never, and I mean never been an option. Again Eeewwww.
[quote Fishrmn]And just what do you think the water-skiers do when the need arises?!? Quit skiing? Or just conveniently drop down into the water?[/quote]

maybe if they added that dye that makes the water blue if you make a "sissy". I'd have to agree - that the open water season has more traffic, and more junkers on and around the water.
But ice fisherman could do better, most certainly. It's surprising what folks will try to stuff in their hole.

[inline "A cold one.jpg"]
NOTE: it's unopened.

So - enough with the WD40 already, according to the "Hooked on Utah" episode I watched last night - the new magic scent is SUNSCREEN! Trout love it we're told. Didn't bother to name a brand, or indicate if the SPF rating made a difference. Cream or Alcohol based is yet TBD. I'll let you know how my research progresses.
Is there a corn-scented sunscreen out there? Anyone?

And FG - we all know those various plastic products are really biodegradable, right - eh? They'll turn back into petroleum products and become our next generation's fuel solution, just as the buried dinosaurs and primordial crustaceans etc - served as our current gasoline and petroleum products.

Ok, so maybe not the "next" generation - might take a wee bit longer...(yeah- I said "wee", don't get blue)

I have heard rumor that toothpaste can help alleviate gasoline or other scents from the hands before handling bait, or other scented alluring products.
[quote flygoddess]Ah, yeah.
Fsh, I have been water skiing most my life, and that has never, and I mean never been an option. Again Eeewwww.[/quote]
Hey, I ain't recommending it. Or condoning it. I'm just telling you. There are guys who go hiking or hunting, and that is the first thing that they wanna take care of. I'm sure there are those of us who would rather die than use Deer Creek as a bidet. But there are certainly others who couldn't care less whether it's disgusting to others. They're gonna take care of their needs right then and there.

[red]⫸[/red][orange]<{[/orange][yellow]{{[/yellow][green]{[/green][size 4][green]⦇[/green][/size][blue]°>[/blue]
We are still talking about #2 (doodie). I understand cold water effect in #1.
I am sure it has happened, but I am referring to for example, family out on the ice, no restrooms, but ice tent. It could happen (I.T. Being the last two letters)[laugh]
Is this really that big of a problem . Think of all the animal waste in our waters . In the spring lakes are low and the livestock come down to water and as the lakes come up with snow melt all that ends up in the lake . Then you have Pelicans, Geese , and Ducks . Oh and fish do too .
Awwww, but that is all natural, oh, and they don't use paper.
However, I do feel cattle can be a problem.
Cattle are real hard on creeks , they break down the banks and cause erosion . Stand in water and do there busines and it goes down the creek into the lake .
Just another reason to eat more beef. I don't think the wd is an attractant, I think it works as a mask of the Han scent (which ought be doodie)

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