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The Biggest Fish You Have Ever Seen ... But Tried & Couldn't Catch
Man, I was up in Diamond Fork Canyon and saw a freakin SUBMARINE Well it was a monster Brown Trout. This thing was huge! I tried for an hour to catch this bad boy but with no success, I threw my flyrod and sat their and watched this fish. This thing must have been at least 8lbs. No kidding. My dad & I just watched in amazement. In and out of an "undercut" all day long. She was beautiful.

Anyways, what you got?
Largemouth Bass in Pelican Lake that had to be at least 10#
The one place I seen some huge fish and couldn't get them to bite was at the Miracle mile. My little brother and I watch a couple 30+" bows gulping something. After seeing those a couple 20" seemed like dinks.
[#0000ff][size 2]OK, OK I got one for you. [/size][/#0000ff]

[#0000ff][size 2]I fishing in the Uintahs along the Upper Provo with my daughter last summer. We are parked at the Soapstone turnoff and we fishing down stream about 1/4 mile from the bridge. We had just passed a large stump in the river and I saw along the bank in about 10" of water this hugh brown, she was about 28" long I eyeballed her size after we lost her using the branch above her and marking my rod. Here I am throwing all kinds of stuff at her just droping it right on her face floating it just in past her face even hitting hr and nothing. My daughter is leaning on me to get a better look and BAM, the branch I am leaning over breaks I fall face first into the river dump everthing out of my pockets into the rivermay daughter is now sitting on my back laughing her head off and I'm sucking up mud because I can't get her off me and my hands are tied up with all the gear now wrapped around the broken branch. Finally she gets up I'm soaked with water and cover with mud and on top of half my tackle is lost in the river and cover up with mud from the spot I was wallowing in. Needless to say I was not a happy camper, I lost the big fish, half my tackle, my daughter is laughing at me, and I'm muddy and wet! But I tried to get that monster, boy did I try! [/size][/#0000ff]
I think we all have the "falling in story" but you put so much detail in that one that i had no choice to join your daughter and laugh at that one!!! Sorry!!! [laugh]
UTBASS- Are you home from Afganistan already? It's good to hear from you, at least, we know you are alive and kickin Bass!!!

Biggest fish might have been tied at the same size length would be up at Currant Creek below the reservior, and another one at the Provo River by the Sundance turn-off. It was a behomoth brown trout probably around 35 to 38 inches. I tried throwing all kinds of stuff at it... wouldn't take it, very spooked, but it was out under a pile of logs by the banks.
I took K2 to San Diego last winter for christmas vacation and we ended up at a little lake called Loveland near my Dad's house on christmas day. It was beautiful by the way, sunny and 80 degrees. Much better than that everpresent subzero fog in the Basin. We were climbing a ledge to get to another spot when K2 says "Hey, look at that big carp in the shallows". As we climbed down the ledge, that old buglemouth just seemed to get greener and greener. Sure enough, there is this huge Florida largemouth in water barely deep enough to cover her back. It had me shaking. This bass had to go 15 or 16 pounds easy. K2 gently tossed his jig out front of her and she vanished like smoke in the wind. Not even a ripple. Way cool.

Good Fishing, Kayote
While fishing at fishlake through the ice. On a sunny day you can get down on your belly and see clear to the bottom of the lake in water that is 20 ft deep. We would wear old waders and lay on the ice all day. One day early in the year I was playing with a school of about 20 perch and everytime one would grab my jig I would pull it out of their mouth so that I wouldn't have to catch one of them. All of a sudden the perch disappeared and the largest Macinaw I have ever seen swam through right up to my jig mouthed it, then spat it out and swam off. I couldn't even move to set the hook when it had it in its mouth because of large fish fever. I have no way of judging how large it was, but I know it was way more than 10 lbs.

Another day I was toying with the perch again and had one grab my jig and start swimming around with it in its mouth. The jig was so large that the perch couldn't get the hook in its mouth. I was just waiting for the perch to drop the jig so I wouldn't have to mess with it when a 5 lb mac swam up and started chasing the perch around. The perch didn't want to drop the jig, but the mac was about to eat them both so it dropped the jig and took off into the weeds. The mac gulped up my jig and it gave me a great fight, but it was more fun to watch the whole thing.

If you make it to Fishlake this winter give it a try, you will learn a lot about ice fishing and fish behavior, and it beats small screen size of the aqua view by a mile.

I had that same thing happen at Fish Lake. My wonderful red healer decided to eat all my sucker meat, so I was on my belly catching little perch for bait. I was over three feet of clear water when about a 15 pound mack takes a perch and my jig all at once. Great fight, but I couldn't get its head in the hole. It finally threw the hook. I reached in and grabbed it by the caudal peduncle, but couldn't hang on. Very exciting.

Good Fishing, Kayote

PS No, a caudal peduncle is not something nasty........LMAO
I've had about a 7 pound Brown on the Cottonwood creek that just sat there while I tossed everything at him in my tackle box, atleast a 13 pound largemouth in Stansburry that refused to eat anything(I saw him probly 5 times), and a 3 pound bluegill in blue lakes that ate the meal worm, and just spit it back out.
Up in the Wind Rivers two years ago going after some Golden's. Hiked up to one of the upper lakes that is know for finicky Goldens, about 15 miles in. I had worked my way around the lake and came across a little that was landlocked because of low water. I spooked a Golden that must have been 23 or 24". Tried for hours to catch it.....nothing. Sat on the shore of the lake and watched Golden footballs come out of the water all day. Frustrating to say the least. Probably not the largest fish I have seen, but definately the most desireable fish to catch.
On the Snake below Jackson Lake in Grand Teton Nat'l Park, my kids and I were standing on an old wooden bridge and looking down into the water. One of the girls saw two HUGE fish and of course wanted Daddy, the best fisherman in the world, to catch them big fishies. As I lowered a big Colorado spinner, one of the fish turned up and I saw two of the biggest lips ever. I told the girls that I didn't have the right license to catch those (3ft. long suckers!!!) EEEEWWWW!!! [Sad] Of course I'm still the best fisherman in the world, to them, and they're all in their 20's now.[Wink]
How about a 22-23lb LMB. I have one within a 1/2 hour from my house that refuses all types of presentations, scents, colors and attractions. I have been after him for some time now and he is making it more and more difficult. Maybe this spring will be the time. The water has maintained a cool 58-64 degrees lately.
Dang it! That last post was me. I sure wish it wouldn't let you post up when you aren't signed in.
I'm still here in Afgahn-land. Until June. Just keeping up with you all and watching the site like a hawk. Isn't this site cool!
hope you get that bass if the weight is close your talkin world record area. i would guess its a big sow eh?
well now that i think about this one, one situation comes to mind. one tiger muskie which was huge dont know length because of how it was swimming in a porpoising fashion. all i know is i followed it for about a 1/4 mile right on the shoreline. all the time within 10 to 3 feet from the shore periodically popping up and rolling. i cast everything i had walking and running down the bank with this tease of a fish. i accidentally hit it on the head with one of my lures even. didnt even blink. all i know is it was a true 40 plus incher perahps more but i dont like to exaggerate if i dont know for sure. either way was awesome to run down the bank watching it even if i couldnt get it to bite.
35-38" brown on the Provo? 7 lber in the Cottons? There are some great fish stories going on in here.
Once I saw a 7 ft. White sturgeon in Bear Lake. Don't know how it got there. Maybe someone caught in on the Snake and brought it over in a big tank. [crazy][crazy][crazy]

Actually I never been to the Bear.
Moose, Great story... the tackle can be replaced but memories like that one make it worth while. I told my kids that one day I am going to write them all my favorite fishing stories. I think it would be a blast and I could add pictures. I hope they got a picture of you.

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