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Thank you for the help at DC last Sat!
My son and I made the run up to DC on Sat afternoon. The fishing was super slow. We were trolling jigs and pop gear.

A quick conversation across the water with a gentleman and his wife indicated that they were doing well on flies. He kindly offered to give me one so we headed over. As we were moving toward him he hooked up on a nice rainbow. He called to me to hurry over and when I got there he passed his rod to my son and let him bring in "our first fish of the day."

The story is great if it ended there, but it didn't. After that he passed me flies for both me and my son to try so we could experience what he was doing.

We said our thank yous and good byes, then headed off to try our luck.

A short tome later I saw them moving back toward us. Thinking he was trolling, I kept trying to move out of his way. When we got close enough to talk he told me to wait where I was, then came over to us. His sweet wife said they were done for the day and handed me a bag of goodies and then wished us luck!

I see so many stories here about negative experiences with others, that I couldn't let this go without being told. I wish I knew who it was that was so kind to us. If you're on here and read this, I have something I'd like to send you as a thank you.

By the way, we ended the day boating 5 fish, my son landed 4 and I brought in 1. Wink.
Great story. It is nice to know there are still kind hearted anglers around. I see too many who are unwilling to help others or even to pick up their own trash.
Park Entry fee $10.00
Licsense $35.00
Gas & Food $50.00
Tackle $ ????
Smile on a young man's face PRICELESS !!!

Plus you had the added value of meeting and making a new friend !!!
Great story! Thanks for posting it and the picture. [fishin]
Yep, hes "hooked". Good work and props to the kindness
I LOVE it. A genuine feel good post. Thanks for posting.
+1 to all said. Glad you ended up with a good day, and nice camaraderie. Nice ratio on the catches too!

I think your boy will remember this day for a long time to come.

From the kindness of strangers. Kudos fly-giver.
great story , looks like you did good but now he's hooked for life.[cool] p/s it never feels bad when you help someone out
Man I love the world of fishing.. I will alway offer a youngster a rod with a fish on it... Ispent a few yrs up Iin alsaka in a small town called valdez. Up there it IS legal to snagg fish in the salt water only.. we would have 200 fish dayz. And the ribbsbwould be black and blue fron setting the hook it was always nice to see a Smile..great story.. little bit of goose bumbs
Waht a great post! Great examples of classy anglers realizing what it is all about. When I've been out with my kids ice fishing or trolling in the canoe, people are generally friendly, but these folks went above and beyond. The world could use more people like this. Thanks again for the positive post.
Reading the heading of this post I thought you might have been the man and son over by Charleston launch. Much different story over there, but it too was Saturday.
I am glad yours was of a positive nature. I would like to think this happens more often but is rarely recognized as you have done here.
Wonderful world we live in.
Your boy got to reel in some fish and the boy at the other end gets to fish another day[Smile]
Man DC was a happening place to be Saturday.
We were up in the Wallsburg arm. The wind was so bad that in my little boat, I didn't want to brave the rough water on the main lake. It sure smoothed out in the evening right at dark. We ended up being the last boat off the lake at the state park ramp on the south end. My son didn't want to quit after the bite turned on, so we fished till we couldn't see anymore. Wink

Good times!
I was up there on Saturday with my dad and brother. We fished in the boat and caught 2 fish between about 11 am to 5 pm. Around 5 we started getting bites and ended up catching about 20 fish on the day. We were using pop gear or a dodger in front of a little needlefish or similar lure.
Congrats on having a good day with good people.

What was the fly like and how did you and the other couple fish it?
It was a wolly bugger. We caught fish on black, white, and brown flies. All 3 colors seemed to work equally well.

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