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Grey's River WYO with a spinning reel
Hello All,
I am new to fishing. My family is going to Jackson Hole to run the Snake River, and I want to spend some time fishing the Grey's River with my son.

BUT I have no fly-fishing equipment.

Perhaps this is a blasphemous question for fly fishermen, but I want to know if I could/would possibly have any success on the river using spinning rod/reel. The limited tackle I have is mostly stuff for trout fishing in alpine lakes. I can purchase more flies, but I cannot purchase fly rods and reels.

I am going next week and would prefer to fish Grey's river (because it's so close to where we are camping) as opposed to driving to Jenny's Lake or fish the PaliSades Reservoir.

Thanks in advance for any feedback.

I am sorry, no help from me. It is a fly fishing heaven for sure.
For future reference here is a chart at the bottom to help select flies.
Maybe try fly and a bubble.
[center][#ffffff]Greys River Hatch Chart[/#ffffff][/center]
[center][font "Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica"][#ffffff][size 3]Insects [/size][/#ffffff][/font] [/center]

[center][font "Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica"][#ffffff][size 1] Jan [/size][/#ffffff][/font][/center]
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[center][font "Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica"][#ffffff][size 1] Mar [/size][/#ffffff][/font][/center]
[center][font "Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica"][#ffffff][size 1] Apr [/size][/#ffffff][/font][/center]
[center][font "Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica"][#ffffff][size 1] May [/size][/#ffffff][/font][/center]
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[center][font "Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica"][#ffffff][size 1] Nov [/size][/#ffffff][/font][/center]
[center][font "Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica"][#ffffff][size 1] Dec [/size][/#ffffff][/font][/center]
[center][font "Trebuchet MS, Arial, Helvetica"][#ffffff][size 2]Greys River Patterns[/size][/#ffffff][/font] [/center]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000]The Snake out of Moran is a favorite spot for me. Never tried spin fishing in the Jackson Hole area but see no reason why you couldn't have success using spoons of various shapes & sizes. A Red Devil or a Mepp's Black Fury or Rooster Tail. Be sure to read up on the Regs as some sections of water are strictly flies and even barbless hooks. Power bait is always good as a last resort. Good luck. [/#008000][/font]
[Image: ec?]
I myself would be confident with a spinning rod in any freshwater situation.

With practice and small diameter braid you can work even an undressed hook but myself, I would stay away from flies while spinning where regulations allow. You may do better than expected if the fish are not used to seeing a certain lure/bait.

Along with the mentioned dressed Mepps and rooster tails I world take 1/16 and 1/8 ball jig heads with 2"twister tails in solid white and solid black (at least) and 3"twister tails in solid pearl and grape/silver flake. Perhaps a random selection of 1-3" tubes.

If water is slow I wouldn't be able to resist to at least try a 4"lizard in chartreuse/pepper regardless of elevation.

But the lures I would use the most would prolly be a strike king bitsy minnow in gizzard shad or white/chartreuse back or a good ol live worm or other creature I may find along the banks, where allowed.
Try the snake above paliSades with a jakes spin a lure...probly best bet in that area for spin fishing. Smashing barbs and clipping off trebles might help with release.

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