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Yuba...Auger or Floatube that is the question
As I posted a couple of weeks ago a few of my buddies and I are heading to Yuba this weekend for guy weekend out. With the current rain and very warm temps I am assuming that what little ice was there is probably now gone, rotten or very unsafe. Has anyone been near there this last weekend or can send me currant conditions so I know what gear to bring. Weather it is my serious drinking gear or actual fishing gear.


As always PM's are welcome if you do not want to post.
Try giving Yuba state park a call, here is the number. 435-758-2611.
thank you sir I will certainly do that.
I don't want to stir the pot bud but I think the real question is why in the hell would you go to Yuba? There are plenty of places that are producing fish, maybe not the best but better than Yuba.
Somebody had to say it.
Drive the extra 60-70 miles (or whatever it is) and go to Fish Lake. Perch derby this weekend. Sounds like a bunch more fun than Yuba to me!
Perch at 6 inches any dumb monkey can catch. It takes someone with knowledge and experience to catch pike out of yuba. Some people like a challenge and not cathing stocked rainows and 6 inch perch. That is why you go to yuba. I'll take one pike in the 30-40 inch range over millions of perch under 12 inches and rainbows.
I agree with you for sure!
The perch in fish lake are actually decent sized........ mostly 9-10 inches and a few pushing 12[crazy].
I think most would rather catch fish if they are driving that far anyway than hit yuba and get skunked most likely or get 1 pike maybe if your lucky.
Yuba, bad pike, walleye, and perch fishing.
Fish lake, awesome perch fishing, splake, bows and macs.
Fish lake sounds a little better dont ya think??

And of course a pike in the 30to40 inch range would be awesome its just gettin one.
Not sure who you talked to or if you don't know how to fish that lake but my buddies have been catching 4-6 pike each outing for the past two months. I'll take that any day. I'm just hoping I get the chance to go with the next time. 9-10 inch perch oooooooo 12-15 inches are nice perch once you can catch them regularly in that length maybe I would agree with you but I'll take getting skunked fishing mind you I did say fishing for big fish then get board catching now notice catching little perchies. If you think it's bad to get skunked you have no idea the real meaning and purpose of fishing. Fishing is something to bring friends and family together and to enjoy the beautiful country that we have been given. If you were to talk to these guys that fish for living they will be the first to tell you that every day of success there has been a no fish day or skunked as most say. I fish everyday and there are days I get skunked and I look at it as a challenge the next time I go to that spot to not have it happen again. Sometimes I succeed other times I don't but I still enjoy being out which is thexactly last thing. I would go to yuba knowing I won't catch fish but be the only one out there then go to the berry or scofield or fish lake and know I'll catch fish but be so heated because some ass will drill a hole 5 feet from me and eat chips out of my bag like he is my new friend. I don't enjoy fishing with people all around me.
you are a true pro fisherman if i ever saw one, and you dont need to tell me about pike or perch over 12, been there done that buddy and still doing that.
nice rant tho!!!
[quote crappielover89]Not sure who you talked to or if you don't know how to fish that lake but my buddies have been catching 4-6 pike each outing for the past two months. I'll take that any day. I'm just hoping I get the chance to go with the next time. 9-10 inch perch oooooooo 12-15 inches are nice perch once you can catch them regularly in that length maybe I would agree with you but I'll take getting skunked fishing mind you I did say fishing for big fish then get board catching now notice catching little perchies. If you think it's bad to get skunked you have no idea the real meaning and purpose of fishing. Fishing is something to bring friends and family together and to enjoy the beautiful country that we have been given. If you were to talk to these guys that fish for living they will be the first to tell you that every day of success there has been a no fish day or skunked as most say. I fish everyday and there are days I get skunked and I look at it as a challenge the next time I go to that spot to not have it happen again. Sometimes I succeed other times I don't but I still enjoy being out which is thexactly last thing. I would go to yuba knowing I won't catch fish but be the only one out there then go to the berry or scofield or fish lake and know I'll catch fish but be so heated because some ass will drill a hole 5 feet from me and eat chips out of my bag like he is my new friend. I don't enjoy fishing with people all around me.[/quote]

I expect a pic of your next pike outing at yuba, to see your 4-6 fish average....... I love pike fishing but after seeing what it was a few years ago and how it is now, I won't waste my time.
Amen brother!!!
This was my buddies Saturday
[quote crappielover89]

I would go to yuba knowing I won't catch fish but be the only one out there then go to the berry or scofield or fish lake and know I'll catch fish but be so heated because some ass will drill a hole 5 feet from me and eat chips out of my bag like he is my new friend. I don't enjoy fishing with people all around me.


After posting the picture that you posted, I have a hunch that you just increased the angler count greatly at Yuba. You may want to stock up on some extra chips.[Wink]
nice pike!!!! I have lots of good pike pics from the last few years. [Wink]
[quote kentofnsl][quote crappielover89]

I would go to yuba knowing I won't catch fish but be the only one out there then go to the berry or scofield or fish lake and know I'll catch fish but be so heated because some ass will drill a hole 5 feet from me and eat chips out of my bag like he is my new friend. I don't enjoy fishing with people all around me.


After posting the picture that you posted, I have a hunch that you just increased the angler count greatly at Yuba. You may want to stock up on some extra chips.[Wink][/quote]

I'm glad he did. The hype monster like last year will start and there are going to be several disappointed people. I just hope the ones that are caught are thrown back. I think we've established the myth of the pike having crazy successful spawns each year that many on here talked about. We need water for that pond, and every other pond in order to have decent numbers of perch and walleye and then we could implement a pike plan. Kill and grill management for pike just takes out the only things in their worth catching and at least they eat the carp who are devastating any perch fry that hatch!!!!
Pike are kind of cute, but I would way rather catch a large laker, splake or rainbow at beautiful Fish Lake than sit all day waiting for a pike or two at that ugly Yuba.
I'm just sick of the waiting games and being held hostage to the water users for good fishing. Quit wasting effort on it and let it dry up for all I care. Sorry.
First off, my bad, the perch derby is on the 24th. It's not this weekend, so you may have to adjust your schedule.
Second, I find it interesting that you rail on a guy who likes to catch perch when your handle is 'crappielover89'. Big perch can be just as challenging as your beloved crappie. (Granted, not the case at Fish Lake)
You are also erroneously assuming I don't like fishing for pike or other large species; you're wrong. I enjoy challenging, solitary fishing for tough species as well as a social gathering for the easy stuff. I don't walk away from a particular kind of fishing just because its easy. You rant about the reasons you like to fish and put down the reasons someone else likes the same sport . You sound pretty snooty and judgmental to me.
If you don't like fishing in a crowd, why do you post pics like the one of your buddies? Oh, and by the way, I wish them luck getting on the ice at Yuba this week.
Jus' sayin'.
[quote JustJim]

Oh, and by the way, I wish them luck getting on the ice at Yuba this week.


Jim, because the ice is bad, or because he posted the picture?
[quote fsh4fun05] I don't want to stir the pot bud but I think the real question is why in the hell would you go to Yuba? There are plenty of places that are producing fish, maybe not the best but better than Yuba.
Somebody had to say it.[/quote]

It was due to one of the party members schedules. We need to keep it close to SLC.

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