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8.5lb Cutbow
Iim trying to send my first picture-I caught this ice fishing in colorado on 12-13-03.
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=1955;]
I croped down the sides to get the pic under the post max. then edited it in. the origenal pic is stll there if any one would like to see it.

that is a mighty perty lookin fish... I am going to didicate a few hours on them this year. They are in my lake but few are ever cought. I had one stay just out of my casting ability all spring and summer this year.

great pic. that is one fish you cant pull up through a 6 inch hole... were you jigging of the bottom?

thanks for the photo....
Nice fish. I am not familar with cutbow. Is that a type of trout?
It's mostly a rainbow trout with cross of cutthroat trout-you can always tell by the orange slashes under the jaw.They are fairly common in the west.
[cool]Great fish, I jellous that you have been on the Ice. Happy Holidays.
Nice fish !! I hope to find one like that this year in Utah .
boy that is a beautiful fish!! ya done good. the markins black silever almost remind me of the coho salmon we fish over to pulaski new york. he is some pretty nd good eatin?? white meat like the rainbow? or dark from the otherside?? never seen a cutthroat neither. bet it was fun!! haha [cool] go git another one!!!!!!!!!!!!!! later like that -----eatin grin on ya buddy boy, who you sayin haha to?? dad?? haha my son does that to me. haha later[Smile]
Right on Slayer you rock, makes everything else look very small. [cool]

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