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This past year has been a winning year for me.Thank God for giving me the oppertunity. I just won a new rapid release rod holder. It will look and work nice on my kayak.It is a great start for 04.So don't think you never win anything. That is what I used to say.

Good fishing
Are you saying that you plan on cleaning up again this year like you did last year? Come on now you managed to proove to all that you are one of the best durring the BFT Gettogether last April at Port Aransas by ending the day with a full load of prizes to take home. Then you continued to enter and win top prize in just about every contest you entered for the rest of the year.
Give us all a break! Let some of us other anglers out there have a chance once in a while.
Don't worry I am just picking on you! You had a great year in 2003 and I wish you the best for 2004, but 2005 I plan on shutting you down with my run of wins that will make your mind try to figure out what you did wrong! He He He!!!!!
You have a great year and keep us posted on your adventures down south as you always seem to come home with some nice catches on most of your trips. I will be watching for your future reports this year.
Now go out there and have a great day on or in the water.
Your friend,
LOL, SSOR I really don't plan on winning anything. I just fish and what ever happens, happens.I was not trying to prove anything either. LOL I posted this thread to put in a good word for one of your sponsors Rapid Release. I put my name in the pot for the rod holder give away and squirreled out and won it. When someone is good to me I try to return the favor with a little advertising. .Its funny that I really needed one of those for my new kayak and was just about to buy one.Now if I can come up with a PFD and and anchor kit I will be well on my way.

As far as you shutting me down in 05.You better break out the big guns because I can catch piggy perch and hard heads with the best of them .LOL Anyway 2005 is the year I am supposed to move back to east Texas. That will pretty well put an end to my saltwater venture .

Anyway, How are you doing? are you going to make it down here for a little fishing this year?

Shoot, you are one of the best around when it comes to beeing in the right place at the right time. Your just a natural at it. I was not trying to say that you wher trying to proove anything. You are agreat friend and I just wanted to pic abit on your great year of 2003. Glad to hear that you will be getting off the coast for 2005. Ther might be a fish or two left in the gulf for me to try to land then. If you are down there another year there may be nothing left in the gulf for any one else to play with!
Congrads on that rod holder. It does show that just taking the time to enter your name is all it takes to land a nice item to add to your growing fishing arsinal.
Keep an eye on all our sponcers as they sneek in with new promotions and give aways all year long.
LOL I know you was picking at me. I am not offended in any way. So don't think i am. It just sounded that way in my reply. LOL I don't mind being bragged on I just try not to brag on my soon as i do that i screw up. LOL The right place at the right time is most of what fishing is all about.So you need to get your tail in gear and come down in a couple months and help me catch some fish.

Not going to say yes or no on that invitation yey! There is a possability that I might just do that. I need to take care of some important stuff and will have custidy of my daughter soon. this will keep me tied down untill school is out to keep her is school. If the finances come together by summer break than I definatly will be comming down to take you up on that fishing. My daughters first 6 years of her life was on the island and has not been back there for the last 8. I already know she wants us to make the trip if we can.
I will keep you informed as things develop and hope to see you somtime this summer for a fishoff!
If things come together I will try to get another BFT members get together set up this year. Might just bring it down to your part of the coast this time. Has the brige down at Issabel ben fixed and useable yet? Has been a while since I have been down that far and I know it was realy bad back then.
The bridge is in perfect condition. They are talking about building another to deal with the traffic in the summer months.
hey , i betcha your the guy that found my good luck [Wink], i lost it a while back and i am in desperate need of it's return [Tongue] . LOL !

congradulations ! you da' man ! [cool]

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