01-12-2004, 11:58 PM
Spent the weekend out in the basin. I tried to hook up with Kayote and the basin posse but Kayote was feeling a little under the weather. He was nice enough to loan me his auger because I forgot mine in SL.
I fished pelican on saturday morning from 8am to 11:30am. The fishing was not real fast but it could of been alot worst. I caught 30 bluegills smallest was 4" and the largest was 10 and a quarter ". Most were in the 9" range. I used worms and mealworms on small and large jigs. It didn't matter what color or size. All I heard from the guys out there was you should of been here last weekend.I took home some gills for dinner. I found worms in only one fish out of the 8 I kept. No bass.
Later that day I fished Steinaker from 300pm to dark. I went looking for Bass and Gills and caught some nice Bows instead. I caught 6 rainbows on a fuzzygrub tipped with mealworm and worms. The smallest was 10" and the largest was 18".I moved around to the bass hot spots from last year with no luck.
On Sunday I tried Steinaker again from 7am to 11am. I moved around again tring to find the gills and bass but got some more nice rainbows. I caught 3 bows in the 16+ Range. 10minutes after I set up the Fog came rolling in.
Thanks again for the use of the auger Kayote .
I fished pelican on saturday morning from 8am to 11:30am. The fishing was not real fast but it could of been alot worst. I caught 30 bluegills smallest was 4" and the largest was 10 and a quarter ". Most were in the 9" range. I used worms and mealworms on small and large jigs. It didn't matter what color or size. All I heard from the guys out there was you should of been here last weekend.I took home some gills for dinner. I found worms in only one fish out of the 8 I kept. No bass.
Later that day I fished Steinaker from 300pm to dark. I went looking for Bass and Gills and caught some nice Bows instead. I caught 6 rainbows on a fuzzygrub tipped with mealworm and worms. The smallest was 10" and the largest was 18".I moved around to the bass hot spots from last year with no luck.
On Sunday I tried Steinaker again from 7am to 11am. I moved around again tring to find the gills and bass but got some more nice rainbows. I caught 3 bows in the 16+ Range. 10minutes after I set up the Fog came rolling in.
Thanks again for the use of the auger Kayote .
