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Green trout at Arrowrock?
I spent about 4 glorious hours at Arrowrock on Friday afternoon. About half the time was cruising around on my over-the-winter mod'd Mariner 4 -- getting a feel for the thing. Turned out great, by the way. I'm very pleased with it. (pic below)

Anyway, the other half of the afternoon was anchored in various locations on the south side of the reservoir, tossing worms and powerbait. I caught 3 trout-looking fish in about 15-20 FOW, casting and slowly reeling back in. They were unmistakably green in color. I thought initially it was LMB, but the dorsal fin was free of spines. I didn't get a pic before turning them loose. Water temp is typical of this time of year at Arrowrock, which is to say it was cool.

Might anyone be able to offer some input regarding what they might have been?
[inline Arrowrock.jpg]
I've caught cutthroat below paliSades that have a definite green color to them but could be anything.
Sounds like you caught some bull trout and good you let them go because you have to .. My friend caught a 5 lber from the shore off worms and mallows once and it was an impressively stout fish.
Arrowrock has a large population of Pike Minnow aka Squaw fish and it's possible that was what you were catching.
Pike minnows as I recall are not green, more brown or tan like a sucker. Bull trout can certainly have a greenish color. Without a pic I would vote on Bull trout from the description.
PM's can be green or brown, depends on water temp and clarity, food presence, etc. Either one seems likely. IMHO.
Bull trout definitely crossed my mind. But, because the color of these differed so much from any of the images/description I've seen of them, I really didn't think it was possible.

Oh well, all water under the bridge now anyway. Maybe I'll go back and try to hook a few more in the coming weeks. And get some pictures this time.

Thanks, all, for chiming in.
Did they look like the back was green or teal when looking down in the water but silver when you pulled them out? That would be a kokanee and they're in there.
Usually the farther up the south fork you go the more colorful they get. A squaw doesn't look like a trout. Did it have teeth? Bull trout have a large head relative to the body, they hit hard but are weak fighters.
I'm not sure how familiar you are with different fish species, but I fish Arrowrock alot...the only thing in there that seems likely is yellow perch...considering how and what you were using...I suspect that's them...but a pic would be good...

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