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Ut. Lake LMB quest
So, I have spent several trips now out on Ut. Lake in quest for LMB. None to be found yet. Low water continues to be the major problem. I launch at AF harbor and it has about 2 ft. in the harbor, but shallows to about 1.5 ft as you exit. You have to idle out quite a ways to get into 2.5 ft so you can get on plane. Not much happening inside the harbor at this time, lots of midges, no fish.

I have surveyed all the spots that I normally fish on the north end of the lake and I have a good view of them, from 50 yds away. Can't get any closer due to shallow water.

Not able to get into several places on the north end, again due to low water. I did go into Saratoga Springs Marina on plane, but they have channelized the whole thing. Looks beautiful for ??? but they have removed all the structure along the channel and in the harbor. They have put more docks in, no takers however. 2.5 - 3 ft in the entrance channel, 1.5 - 2ft in the harbor. Idled out to within 20-30 ft of the entrance, then got on plane to get out. you have only 1- 1.5 ft. when you get out of the harbor channel.

Checked out Jordan river, did not even try to get in. Same with the pumps and several other spots on the north.

Gorgeous day, light breeze, just a riffle on the water, no fish. On the way back to the harbor, I did some survey work out in the middle of the pond. Max depth found, 4.5 ft., some possible fish, but did not stop to check it out.

Next trip will survey from Lindon to the St. Park and west bank. Not very hopeful, but it must be done. Stay tuned for more exciting news !!!

PS: Boatloadakids, I may have to invade your end of the lake to find some water !! You are still finding 6 ft down south, most excellent !! Have you surveyed the Goshen Ocean yet, out where the Loy's net under the ice ??
I found a few places around the NW side of the island that were 8 feet deep. From the island back to LB it is pretty consistent at about 7 feet.

The Karp Ketchum outfit is working the Goshen Bay area now. I have not been down that way by boat but I see their big blue barges and the airboats they use coming and going all the time. Can't imagine more than a couple of feet of water depth there. There are still people fishing the pump inlets from shore but have not heard how they are doing. TD is probably right about the best water access from shore being off the rock ledges by the springs. Dire situation... makes ya wonder how bad it will get.

So you have been fishing the hole off the NW corner of Bird Island !! During regular water levels, that hole is anywhere from 12-16 ft.

Thanks for the info. Those fish are somewhere, just got to find em!!!
Yikes, sounds kind of rough. It might be easier to just head up to DC or Jordanelle for a bassin fix. The bite has been decent and you are less likely to get stuck in the mud.

Be safe.
I usually take a couple trips to UL for bass and walleye but the water levels have scared me off. Good for the guys that can run shallow...super shallow, but even in a bass boat there are places in the spring we couldn't get to. Maybe next year??? Thanks for the update.
I'm having the opposite problem up north in the reservoirs I fish. All the rain we got this spring has them way more full than they normally are this time of year. There are certain structural elements that I normally fish with deep diving cranks in July, but they're 25-30' down now. My only option is to drop shot, but even so the fish are really spread out with all the water. I guess it's a good problem to have but has led to some rather mediocre days on the water.

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