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Electric Lake revisited 7-18-15
Now that is an interesting tree![Smile]
[quote gofish435]

There is a sign as you start down the road by the dam that says you cannot launch from anywhere but the top end of the reservoir because of the AIS.[unimpressed]


I haven't been down that road for several years. Is the sign still there now that they have decided that it was a false positive on the AIS?
Yeah, the sign is still there.

I think the power company is still nervous about someone bringing something in.
I know both times that I launched there was a young lady there, at the ramp, asking all of the AIS questions and filling out her records.
Last year she took a pic of my hull #s, when I talked to her this year it sounded like pacific corp was paying her to be there.
[Image: download.jpg]
Good results, Kent!

As far as the erroneous mussel scare there, I did some digging a couple of years ago and every test after the false positive came up negative for mussels. More digging into the protocol showed that the lake should have been removed from the list long ago. (2 yrs of negative testing = removal from list)

I sent some messages to the DWR about it and was told that the lake would be removed and launching tubes from the dam would be permitted, once again.

This was at least two years ago and I've seen no progress. Might be time to be a squeaky wheel again to see what's happening.

I miss fishing E-Lake, but I prefer the dam end and prefer not to be shore-bound.
It's a longer drive for me to launch at the top end of the reservoir. I would like to be able to launch near the dam also. I would think that they would at least allow tubes/pontoons/canoes/kayaks to launch there. I think as far as the DWR is concerned it is no longer considered an infested water so there shouldn't be any launch restrictions but PacifiCorp is the one that is keeping the signs up.[:/]
Excuse me for sounding a bit like Columbo, but does it really matter to the mussels if you launch on one end versus the other?
Do they not make love on the North end?
Maybe my alzheimer gear is not linking in the cog properly. Am I missing something?
At the ramp area there's a girl checking for the mussel certificate and asking all the questions. They even have a decon unit there. She said it rarely ever gets used. But I guess that's the idea, they wouldn't be able to monitor people launching from other areas.
That's makes sense
OK ..... Got it ...... How far is it from the launch area where the girl is, to the damn?
Aren't tubes and tunes launched at other areas of the lake?
The thing is, you can't just drive your vehicle up the lake from the ramp to the dam. To reach the ramp, you come in on Hwy 264. The dam is on Hwy 31.

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