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Hand Made Drift Boats
Ill start of with first and foremost I have not seen these in person yet. Just sharing for a family member.

The individual that built this is probably one of the best hobby carpenters I have ever seen and being in construction for the last 18 years with some of it spent in a custom cabinet shop in Idaho Falls, I have seen a few. All of his work is incredible so I am doubting these boats are any different. They are currently located in Texas and he is planning on hauling them to Rexburg as there is a lot better market for these in Idaho than Texas. Are they a new Claker or Hyde? Nope but they also don't carry a $6k price tag either.

If you're interested contact him through craiglist for more photos.

Here are the links. If I was back in Idaho instead of Utah for the next few years I would be taking one of these off his hands.

[url ""][/url]

[url ""][/url]
FYI, you should post this on the Utah For Sale board as well, lots of Utah folks use Drift Boats as well.
Done....... I actually live down in the Gunnison Valley right now and didn't post it in Utah cause I wasn't coming up with any river here in UT where I have really seen drift boats used.
The Green, below Flaming Gorge is where they are used the most but many people in Utah haul them up to Idaho and Montana to use every year.
Funny I looked at those last night. Very nice work.
[quote windriver]Funny I looked at those last night. Very nice work.

Windriver if I recall you coach at Madison? The guy who is selling them's sister is the AP Calculus teacher up there so if you know anyone looking she would be a good resource to ask questions to.

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