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Something Fishy at Mona Res?
At the risk of stirring up some serious silt, I have a few questions...

Mona Reservoir had thousands of June Suckers in it. They are protected...right? I mean if you or I were to willfully kill one, I assume we'd get into some sort of trouble. Well, on about July 25 Mona Res was sucked completely dry...presumably to water another crop of hay bound for China. Which resulted in the death of thousands of suckers.

I had heard (and cannot confirm) that several years ago there was a compromise water level purchased by the Feds to preserve the June Suckers in the res...maybe not I guess?

So anyway, thousands of dead carp and suckers (and more than a few 3-5 lb bass from what I hear)...OK, the farmers own all the water to do with as they see fit. They have the power. You can't fight the system. Whatever.

The biggest question I have is why the Utah DWR's stocking report shows that they dumped 30,000 wipers in Mona Res on July 15, just ten days before the lake was a dust bowl.

Can someone enlighten me? Did they actually do that? What might that have cost? Is anyone auditing that program? Seems a little, know.
Before every execution there is a last meal and what is better to a bunch of fish than little wipers.
I would contact Drew Cushing at the Central Region DWR. He is the man in charge and can give you a better idea of what is going on. I doubt that they would have stocked the wipers if the res was going to be drained. Check with Drew !!!!!
Was wondering the same thing. Couldn't stay for too long, the smell was horrible.
Wow, crazy pics.
Wow lots of carnage.[shocked]

I wonder the plans for Mona is now?
I didn't study the pictures all that closely but it looked to me like a carpcarnage. Who cares? As far as plans for Mona, with no conservation pool any plan is worthless.
Bump to top.
I also would like to be enlightened please.
I don't care at all about the suckers but what a waste of wipers if this is true?
I think the DWR is trying to get sport fish into every fishable water they can. I doubt they would stock fish if they knew a body of water was about to be drained dry. There could very well be a minimum pool set for Mona. But if a desperate farmer draines it... what can be done to save the fish at that point? But I agree that it would be good for someone who knows more details to chime in.
Years ago we could catch walleye in the lake, not a lot but a few.
We did stock 3" wipers into Mona this year. We were not aware that is would be drained at the time. We can only act and plan on the best information that is available at the time.

In the future, IF Mona is managed as a sportfishery it will be with an inexpensive and easily replaced species assemblage.

Thanks for letting us know. I for one would like to see wipers in more fisherys where they could fill a nich. Somtimes things happen outside of our control that spoil the best of plans. Please don't let this deture future efforts. I think as a whole you guys/gals are doing a great job!
Thanks for the update Drew. I hope things will look brighter for Mona in the future.
Thanks for the update Drew. Would like to see Wipers in Gunnison Reservoir. [fishin]
Very informative Drew, thanks for that!
Drew, That has to really suck for you fish managers !! You make a plan, carry it out and then someone throws a wrench into the works. I am surprised that they drew it down so low, I don't believe that I have ever seen them do that. Any chance that a few of those 30,000 will survive the draw down???
Looks to me like the only critters that survived down there were the geese. Decided to drive down and view the carnage myself today with not much else to do. Ugly. Walked the former shoreline lookin' for some sign of the LMBass that were there but little known to most. Nothin'. Saw some very dead crawdads, mudders, and a few that were either suckers or chubs. Some of those dead carp would have made a pretty good showin' of themselves on the end of a line. Small trickle of water going thru the dam and down Goshen Canyon but not likely to sustain any kind of fish life.

Checked the springs at the top of Goshen Canyon and found plenty of 12-16 inch carp. Was looking for carplettes for cat bait. Found a few but they were way smaller than the 3-4 inchers that make good cat bait. Took three bigger carp home for tomorrows bait.

Ugly, stinky mess down there.


Got a nice picture of Nebo bulking up into the pristine summer sky... yeah right. (cough, cough).
Out of death comes life. If the right management plan is put in place this could be a great fishery for years to come.
In your first picture, almost in the center, it looks like a pancake style downrigger weight?? Did anyone else see this?
If you're looking at the black object, I looked like it was a duck decoy. My boy wanted to try to get it but I told him he would have to ride on the roof on the way home after wading through the liquefied carp!

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